eA 'R!folU:ion =---~-----~--~--\ iunt1ion; the d:1y beeiw" come wh:~.r fhrino [·---~ P.r?ling and r~igning conccits of the time to ~ A co!llC"j3rguc that eii11cr thou ncuer thinkeft on 1 goil_,or at the lcH pcrfw;adcH rhyfClf,that eith~r h~_wilnor,or d.not help thc.And iftho.u in thy couerous mindc,pr:~y Vllto G·od,thou canil not pr~y;accorGin.g to the intliutti6 ofChrHl,with– ·oUt hypocrifi~:;giae vs Qtlrdttilj' hre,td this daie. Wherefore, fccing the hauing of Progno/fica– riom, commc[h oflOwickcd caufrs, as is the greedy dcfirc ofprofperity,andvvcalth,3nd ar– gneth fome ki1iJ'c ofdiffidence in God: when cl}qi(ieadcH ;hcf4~my "''ords, ~:tminc thine oy..one heart,-.,.!f...ih'ou ...fil\dc mf fayings true (as ccnainely_t._hou (halt)ncucr ..,hc.:rcafrer defire , to know the ll;nc9(the yc.ar£'bd,Prc~hanP,cx- B ccpt it be for the fe:~.fons of the yene, which lam pcrfwaded, thou maielt !.now in fomc · part, without any skill., cucn by thin; own ex– perience. Was ~here and g:dlng it~O hca~c-n:ro r~c th~ • mecung ofthofc 2~ ~!an~ts.~owr ,?ll t1lii \\hile 1 j where was Gods prouidencc; wf1crc_y.·,as _tl}a 1 · ~rull and r~ioy(lng in ~im!'wh'cfe was'tha~ prai- .CZ:kr fecond reafon~n_egleEl of ~~~ :\ qods prouidence-. ), '.\ ~~-\.\ • 71 fing of h>~S name for ·all things whofateu_tr Jhoidd coniC' to paffc;wh.tr~-1635 that mc'dit:Jrion of his infinite, :md vn!C:archeable wi(domc' theiC: rhing_s were 1~cuer thought n~r hard of, yea by rea{on of thJnccmhly affections, they tooke no place in thiue heart, This th):;deaji11g ts hkcvnco rhcfollie ofthat man _, whOha~ing a coHiy clqckcin his bojpmeL ne!JC' cx,olleth onhinkcth on the wit and inucntion of the clockc:nl_~ficr,~m is coqiinuilly in :!Cbuir:uioll ofthe ipnng or watch of the clockc,by \o\hofC mcanes. all' the whecles .bauc t.hcir fwificr or flower, their backward or fonv'ard motion!, & by which the whole clock kccpcrh his courfc. \rVhcrcfore mec thinkcth that in a Chrifiian comm.on wealth,thofc oqc!y bookes fhould be publill1cd for thine vfc,.,.,·hich might beat into thine head, &m:akc thee cucry hourc ::md moment to thinkc on the prouidence of God ,: (l .{S"Onccrnin_g.tlrc contempt ofGods'pro.. ~dlich bccing once fctlcd in thy mindc, the :>~:~uidc.n'a~thus much1fay. The PrQgn6J/i- ..conl1dcration of rhcmeancs,which God v(cth~ CfltQHY, if he be asked whether he confctfc the will follow oflt fclfc. Comrariwife,te tell thee prouidencc of God, h€e will withaU his he:lrt the mc3ns which God dorh vfC',to thuncler out corifcffe ic ' buc by hr,.dccds he <loth denic it, the ofpetls ond contlellations of flarres, ond for ahhc things ·whatfocuer,which.can ha·ppcn fcldomc to memion his prouidence, maketh in a·whole yeare, hcc .ate;ribmcth thcnl to .:he C thee to feare, and admire, and loue the means, !larres,and.fo he publifbttli.his P!ed,tfions,:Jl- 1 quire forgetting the wocke of God in the waiCs-mcntionilig.'ft.:u=rcs, ncucr9- .or ·vciy ·nen- l meanes, 'Fhi~ fault w3s very rifeamoogfi the derly, rnaking any fig.uificadon of the power, I Ifraelites, who came yearcly vmo Atlrologcrs and iuflice, mercie ahd cucrlalling ..,,1ifcdome · and wife men:Whereforc that \\'hich is fpoken l I I I l of·God. And furdy, cuen for thqery paring by lmmievnco them,isolfo fpoken vnto thee: of thy nailes, for the·cutting· ofthy haue, for HertJttthewordofthe Lord, fhat hu fptak!th I~f.to.n. the puuing on ofthy fhoes, fortaking a iour.. vnto)Q!I, 0 hQH[tof lfri~tll. Thm foirhtht Lord, ny two or three miles frotN thine houfe,for ob.. LMrnenot tluwa} of rhe Hearhen, IV1dbt not atayning at Gods hands thY rcqueJl, for making fraid .for the /ignu of btAIItn, tho11gh tht Hea~ thy.bargainewith thy neighbour, for all t~ine then brafr.atd offuch. In like forr, God foraCbons be they neut!r fo finJll, thefe wife men I biddeth hii people of f.n,.gland to giuc creJitc ( if.tbcy will ask.c tHeir aduifc) will giuc th~e or feare the conHellations and coniunCHons of :toun{C1 from the ftarrcs.No-." when thefetheir 'flarresand Planets, \which h?uc no power of irreligious prediCtions {hall be h:ld in thy bo.. thcmfelucs,but are gouerncdby him,and their fomc,. and red ofthe.daily, thou bccing aman fcCrct motions'and influcticcs arc not knowne vnlea'tncd and wor-ldly giuen, ncucr hearing a- D to man, and rh'creforc there can be no certaine ny mention of the fpcciall pro'uidence , and I iudgemcm thereof. Ifthou wile not heare·2nd h<Jild of God in C'llery'rhing, but long difcour- , follow this which I fay, fee wh~c will cnfue. ·fes of the venue~ ofPlanccs,and figncs, docft Thou fecfhhnthe greatcfl-matterwhich chcfc neuet thmke vp'on the wonderful and moA: m~ 1 Viuinourrani.l Prqgnoftict1toHrJforcrcll, falfout fimtcpoi.,•erof God, •Aorking after a fpec1nll tlnt oth'crwife thC'n rhcy fny1ro thcirperpetuall manfi.er meucry manc:r,bmart drawn fira1ghrlh:tlri!:'. Trudy I am pcrfwaded, thac ic i::; the waics imo an 3clmiration of th<: AjlroltJgtr, & · 'Judgcm<'nt of God vpon them(although they a grcattfeare of the conficllations of hcauen. cannot fee 'it-) who makctb-thcm, when thC'y An c:_xperiencc ofthis I found in the about two thinkc they 3r"('bloH wife, to. be moft foolt"s, yeares agoc. A lcarn~d man(yct in this c3fe far ForfothC.Lerrl vfed the wife inen and .Aflrodcceiued) wrote on AflYOlogica/1 difco~rrfo ofl /ogmo'f Cltat.V., >s hcc·fp'bakcthbyrhc-Prolhe o&oni1:nC1ian b~twcme IHpitcr and S11tl!rne, 1 phc~ E{ar.,~l--wm·riJe Lord·rhJrmadeallrhingt, wherein he ll1ewed ofgre~t alteration in cuery ! t,h.u fpr.edOup. ·r'IJe lumum 11/one, and fh·erch out chi11g ro foil. Atrhisthou w>fl fore agafl, thy 1 .' tlu t<7th-6J '!'} fcife, I dejlro1 the tok._er..< •f JJ~· · ----~~~-n-in-d·-~-·o_s_i'_'c_o_n_,b_r_ed __ ~_,i_th __ ~_"_l_in_g_i-hy __ g_o_o_d•_.__ l_s_._.,_Hfl_~_,_,. __ ,,_·._a•-d~·-m_"_~_'_'_h_,m ___ ,h_•_,_,_~_;_,a_H_r~'------- to fc.t t}H:m itl ordC'r ag:.infl th:n day: thy fong 1 fu~lu, and .ru~rJrth~ir wife '!'en back.!tMrd, and for halfc aycarc v:as nochi11g c\fc,but,thccon . ! m.1~~·rhei:t· J&owlrdge foolljlmcj{e. Docfl thou ------- thfll,