Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

~------ ---- - - ----- -·--- - - -.. to the (oun:ro--ma11. . ! 65·5 ·------ -- -·-·· '- · -··- -i t~~-~;,, Opuclet1C :md_rbi(crablc n~a~~~hi-;~i;-t~-TA b;:d·~~~~:'rcJ;lnd dc:fcrH:Icd by tbc coUrfC Cf 1 ~ I cl cap~ th<.' f~lll~,or ~rc~rcr puo,ill~mc(l~ bt'cing j the Sunac- 1mHiMo_onc-_, :1.~Hl ?~he: fhrrcs.An_d! I' a eau le of dltS fault!tor 1fnoncuchrcd to know j fo the fc<~Hof ~he Jtrac!ucsapo (he computau.:. /1 what iStO come, none would bulic rhcrb!Ciucs · on ofrhe y.e:trtin,our Church,dcpendc-th 1hCrI in tbac vanicic. \Vhc:rcfo.rc, rcadc t-he word df ' upon, and .wid:~ou,t. them there \..vou,JJ be great I I Cod ii\ Ih.<: t8.ofDcur. \Vhcn thou ih:dt come con(uflon both 1h the common wcat~h and Dettt.,B._9. (fait~·-tbc{pirit of cn.~.d) into the l~tlldwhi~h thC I Church~ . J\•q .,,. ; ;.! JJ;(J.;r. . I (.,ord r6;.C.odgiHcth thu:., Jhoujhnlt ntH ltarneto,-f~ey.ltru~ to h:C.ftg.nCS; that is , t9 1 4 j daqa_fl>.fr1ht.abhoP,if'lfltirJJJt'ofthofomuioru.1n the fote'fcll thm:}sto 1 a.bmc. An.d:·dii''Yare figo~s d~ I 1!Y'following·mbrc.dJ-'9...;A<bhomij rlkr-o~ exc:ao.1;di11ariC lhlngS! or things ,:\1hicli I nat1ons. / b~ ord1narJe. ~<\;\{hen they are hgncs of<':\'traor.: (I To 111 a(Jhi-Jphifdg,'ahroughthefiu. 1 dmaric thing~-, thc:h t}lC'r~'isand appc:! rtthit1 1 I' I i T.orvforvitcbchlft. ·, foh1t C'XLI'lordjnafic }'\'prk6efGod as a.~:- - 3 'Toregardtimn, rhis:Uthyf~tnll. ·\ . p~are_th in lhcfc ~x~mplcs\.\'hi~h-follow.At thC: I .,.. To mark! tliejl;ingofft)tlles. -: !i1ffC'nng of .ChnH. ~ot onoly. 1hc vaile pf tlit r.i;;tdui. I A~<) ; TPbeaSorcerer. ' B .r.~mpt:nwrJ~JhedeMrofi(orlhDfthti,:grmJ#:t,, l 6. T.okea Ch~trmcr. bL_It alia thc~SbnncM:as, nhdHy cdipkd; the , ·7. TocmmfellwirhSp'itiiJi · ~ \ Moone becing in thcfu.ll. At-v~\\tGh fight,.D::)'.- 8 T.ob~aSoothj(qcr. . , on!(ius A1·~opagihl, a g~od J1fir"no~tr- fpake 9 To tYk.!counfo!lat thedeat/. ~ \, ~ Ehe(c words: Either the fr·ad:levf the wpr!d ~s A.ll tbcfc horrible abhomjnatiops being rehcarcicftroyed, ort'he God bf naturc·.fuffcrcthzTh.e Ocut.lS.,. fed, markc what foHowcth, Fttr4U t-liar do~fitth Prophet E~ckjclbccing commande-d ofGod ~o thj,gs areana6homi1tationvnro theL.ord.~n.d beprophefie the4efltu8ion ofEtJP.t.,·hc-firfl pun:' ' caufc oftheir abominations, the Lord tby go.d teth dO\-\'IIC cXtraordinariq{ignts: At;dwhm I EzcCtl-Jl.?i. doth caflthcm out bcfort thee: ndw ft·cing pm ther-om, !willtoilerrhelieartm·, andm~tk! the moHofthcl"c abhominations,and cfrcc~·atly the ftarru thereofd"rk,[; lwil/cplftrtht Sunnt"Mith.« J third k vfed ofvo,why•fhould we no,r fcare rhc 1cloud, ••dthe M••••Jhalim~gii!e, herlig~t, <All like iudgcmcnts vponvs,vnlcs WCJ'¥\~ill repent, I the lightsof heauenwi/J I m;~kfdark! fo.r rh~:.;Md ·and thar with (pccdc. .; .·• . .• \ . bri•gdarkJ>~<ffi vpcn th< limd, ( foith tbe Lord.) t The rcafons which conccrnc the P~ogj BefOre chc (ccond cmlJining <i>f o_ur Sauiotir .\ nofticatour.~ and may av-aile to the pcrfwadtng j Chnfi, there fhall bee fignt} lll"the Sun·ric and J of thee, noc to buy':lny more of their vnpro- , · Moone, and in the (htrrcs. Laflly, the.cxtt~or-. 1 1 fitablc-bo·oks, arc thcfc which folloW:firV--,thcir C cHnaric goingbaCke.of the Sunne fignified the ! vnabilitie in Prognoflic~tting: fccondly., ma- ' lengthn•ng ofthe Itfc ofk~ng.-.{Ic.~ekjlf.r. ~ .~1 . 11_,_ ; nife!l vmruthcs: thirdlr,their hnpictics:fourthSecondly, the ihrres are fignc.s of 'gcn0ta11 1 ly, their Kicks of ded:it~ What: can thc.y not things which happen ordin:ai-Hy eucry yt:UI<'ih 1 foretcl that which is to com?can they not tnakc nature among Vs, . .5 ,,,.., 11 I conictlurcs of chatwh,ich islikctoenJUe? No J ~I ; , TheSpring,. '" ~~ 1 furcly.,A.nd I will vfc·arguments to c_onfirmc it r. appl·ochi-,g fmd 1. Somm."· vnto thtc. · declining of ~. Hameft. ·1 4• Wihter., · Thejirft re~fon, of.tkevfoand mdof · tht H'auefu. . z. Ordimtrie weather inrhefo quarurs.- 1 '"F'H< trU~ vfe of rh;>hcatJtllS COilfiGcth in Ato !,. EVling···dflowi>~ .•jJI:efoa. r ,j 1 l. many pomts. F1r!t,to declare the glone of j . { :! lPf~ ••,... God. Th•h#a•um(fmhDatltd)declarethe~l·- I' rs. P.l•'fing, . 11 r~eofGod, 1nd tbc jirnwnentjlmveth thewcr~eof ,9. S 0 wing. r. I' huhaHdr. It !:;:an Alphabet wntten 111 great let- !D 7, Selling.-·· 1 r I tcrs mwhtch 1s dtfcnbed the n1aidhc ofeiod, 1 l4· Sraflm of< 8. Plan~tllg. , [ atld,that brrhefe fourc fpeciall point,. Fir!l, /9· Cm~mg. 1 . thcmaidHtoftheworkc-J.tfclfc; fecondly,thc J IO. Feilmg. : infinite multitude of St~[rcs; thirdly,.by the I Ln. Rt>.:!f~"l:· 'l} 1 wonderful! varietic ofStarres; fourthly, by the - ,. - 1 I grcarndfe of the Starrcs. I fay generall, becaufc the. particular dl3!C i ~ Secondly,itmakcth finncrs and wicked men and offaHes ofmcn,can in no-'·wifc be fordig1~i.. 1 j incxcu(ablc before the iudgcmcnt feat-ofGod. ficd by the Harrcs. 1 J"a-y ordinarie 1 becaui'c th<f '! 'Rom.uo. 1 For the inuifiblc things ofhim (faith Paul) rhat things which faHout feldomc, and a_r~ l>cfi4cs 1 l is, hi5 c:tcrnall power, and Godhead; arc fccne the commoncourfeofnattlre, as plcnue of all i by the crtation of the world, being confidcrcd things , famine, plague, w.:~.rre, eucrfions of\ in his \vorkes,to the intent that they fhould be kingdomcs , &c. doe not drpcnd vpon the 1 withom cxcufe. Starrcs:. For the confirming ofrhi~,I hauc thrc 3 Thirdly, they (crue to the appointing of rcafons: r:irft, in the I . of Genejis, God faith, Gen.t.t+ timf'o;, nsdav ,ni[!\lt, moneth, vcare, which arc that lu made the lighn to bejignes , :ladyet rbe Gcn, 1 , 1 -f.'S· ----------------------------------------------~P~pp 4 . __ t:_ru-~ne __ ~--~ /