rvf. 'Jg,~folution•.· ------------·--------- rr.1 11.,3 14• ftunc C od in thC· 47_·of~a! f~ith, lu('_will_dfJI.;·oy , .. A 1 n~ent isoncly :1 gcne.r:lll inHn:men r, ~nd hath i theJign:s of tlumwhich dutmt'.... .flarly; forb1dth_ng lus \\'o.\"kom ordinat-ic qJ:ltK rs of'n3"turc, Be- ; j vs_ to vfc St:ln.cs ·,_as a mcailc-slto:it~dgc of ~ny Jid~s thefc mrancs , th~"!C bC'e mp.ny mh~r by J thmg to cm11c., faumg onelyjofthoic:t_, of,.,·hteh 'vduch God rulcth the wotld. ln r-hc bt·g.inning I ' they ::~rcCX}>rc.ffrly. f'uade fignes 1 of-God in t.he I he fc:t mJ.~l oucnhc 'i•>.holc world,th:~tl1 c might 1 1 creation: :t!l \\.Q\llih1ar.c put downc-.bcforc. Sehaue rule. oucr fifhcs ·, foulcs, bc01Hs ~nd all j c~nd!y, t_his _is_m:nifdl by t~e ordcro~'thc·cft; 1 thil:gs.~lfe. He ap·pointed.llllsbands to-boucrnc ·' <a!ton: 7he rlh(d'diiJ GwJ Ct'UttJ.'Zip-oJ .thee<mJ I thotf.'WIUCS > he rc ... 'tb!' fT.fl borne beforc>their Ocn,I.u.I.,. ; I>Mrb·~ a~d z:t~J,Mn'd th~ eart~J/n·Mg,htf'1rt~-fo~ts \ ! brcthrcni:\s··~·~;nt~ b.tfore,.Ahel:Brin~t'S a··r.·uTia:_"l-w:m:ft'i1f1/,·•o ~liefaoniJ, da1;~od tM'J.m~ulf~~~ 1 I rants onc.r,Gutes,l<irngJ'~)Afs,;con-r~no'~ wcalths, l'!,brs to lk m1id"t.m du firmamtnt.of httlUetttfJ fc~ j and rhnc_foH· by rea(on ofthcudJgnuy.c.rBeth pttrau theday~anddhe'f1~gbt, ~u{ttPbeforJign-cJ.& ) them Gods. Thdc ·b~ 'a116·goLeinour~ offami1 forfoafonJ,and:J"".n,rs ~Y.d·monrthr,~rndthm it ~as ! lies oucr their families, f:uhc 1 rs olte-(thdr chil.. I Jo, ~nd thm Gc~fitl"Pell IT"ji.f go-od.. Out of.wh.lch I drcn' man·crs O~!Cl' .thc!r feruanu. Yet God I i g;:~rhcr, that Jt c:mnot be a figne .caufing1fllbath amore nccr'ccare in prcfcruino :md oo~ n_1ine, or pkntie and fcn~cncffc; ~craufc'fft-t11- :B : uerning, his chofcn ~ 'as appeareth j~ the' f~. 'Ue went before the crcauon oftllcholicHrc::t- I <:bap. of E[ll), 7hm foirh the Lqrd Godthatcreuen. AltO o6Wur.cs and plague!, and the pli... At~d rhec'j 0 ftracf;h: and he thn:fqrm~dthee 0 tiCular dbtc:s·Of men, theyo!l be no ligrrcs, I lfrtr~l: FtarenotJ'qr llmue redumedtiJet,l h,uu b~~aufe tnan was nor )'et cre:\te.a 1 and yet cuen I called thee by th) name , tbouArtmine: when thos .r:hea they wc:r: fignes.Somc w.rltfav,thcy 1v'.'Gtc pajfofl throughtht waters 1f willbew;th thee and <nd fignes of,hofcmaners in the cr~ation ;- but thro11gh tli?{lowds th~t tlteidotnot oJttrfowe ~hu. l 'ilO~ they may•l?,C..?nd:ar.c z N'o,.forthc wnrk~s When JhoHJ~alk!fo throl~~hthe veritfire,thoilftM!t \.vhi'ch·God er.ca~ctl hcclnm.v~prcferucth, neJ. -not beebm-nt, neith-erjhtl/1 rh:fotme A:.tndle vpon 't~er)turealing, ac:i: di.miniih!ng anr tl~in'g i_R .thee;foT''kam .~he Lo'Td.thJ..G,o~, theh~f; one~f / .. i l.Hottf.-..p.bilo lud.ttum h1s bogkede npijfctom.<.:nfrttc~t-hy S!JUtour. J:hiS Is alto mamfcfl by the 'Wait~,H'"',"' f'ifwaded that Goaforefoeing the Sympa~hy which is illtth~itord,wbcn his chil- 'minduofmw·,g.t"~"~"jiatoh jlrange mattm to dreq are.affitclcd ,:as,appcarcth by the rr. of 'tome; did in·thU.. or}itr<:rearetheheauenr, toconZttcherJ: He that to11chtthyou, tDHchethth~apple Jute' ,,a "difpr'Oolf~•their imaginAtions. Thirdly, ofm;we he-:And in th·e9· ofthe Ad. s .. ml,SilNf, theHcauCns ':and.H~rres were made for the vfe whyperformeft 1houmt.Yt.hat i~my eleCt.\Vhcrcfman; and is tf1cis cndc,:tQ.,hat it is abfurd to C fore the.rc bealfo fprciall mcanes'by \vhich bee 1 imagin'e they ~~u~'"' tny foreo ~n the a~airs. of I mor~ c~rcfi. uJJy goucrneth chc eJect:' Asby Anman.Now then,Prdtnoflic"tors 1ftheywd foregds, .wh,qmPtutlto the Hebrnves calleth mini.. lhowofflranoge-rbjngs eo come; they mufl Vn.. flringJ'fiirits: it is ccrtc;f! they defend cuery one doe::the workc-oftheir G:re.a~or, and gmc-vmo ofthe dc·d particul·arly.Hithcno maybe refer.. it newe vfes,othcrwife lhey lhall pot be able to red the preaching ofthe-word of God,thc miprognD}licate as they~c3rcly doe. •firing of the Sacra1hcrlrs. Befides this, God ' (.. vfcth,thedtuills, andw.ickccl men and Tyrants Thtfo"Nndrfafon, thrprouidenc~ of God. to exci'fife thcfaich of his clctl-, and to confirm rhcm in patience: whereby they ar~ c:allcd the feruams·ofthe Lord,aXes, bammers,fawcs,and [words in the land of God! a~ PhArA.oh, and 1'.Jelmchadue%.~11r, and Stmteherilt, Moreouer, I the.means whereby lieWorkcth vpon the wic.. kcdarc"llfom:lny. ,.(· .' ~·) · .. J t A;,gelsgpod d•dritiO. Excxl:ttf• D . '. FrimdJ Andfa11Jilifl>"{· Icrem.t 3• 14- A- :;; mOSJf.l.: ·~ 1 3 Wildheaj/'J; ,J~retlt.8.t7• . 4 He;rHtnahotu.} Deur.1J.t7. As 1 5 Difoaju,plagut.·Exod.t5·~6. ·6 Faminr. Hof:9:s, · 7 Fire,Hof.8.t4. Is Fl!rir. Hof.7.9· · l 9 .Hardnesofhurrr.Rom.t:28. 1'0 Cttptiuitif.Ier(tn,l5.Z• THe prouidencc of God , is his decreeby which' hec:_ appointetb bow cuery thing fuall come to paffc. The continu~Jl execution ofthis decre·e,isordin:1rily by mcam,but often without mcaocS.'•Thc means whichOod vfcth ::.re either gencull or fpeciall. Generall arc thefc by wllich hee goucrneth all the whole world,andeueryparticubr thing \•-:hich con– cerneth this life : vnto this kinde :~.re referred fpirituall creatures, called Angels, by whomc the Pbilofophers fay the hcaucns arc goucrncd and \VC fee th.lt whole Kihgdoms:,Prouinccs,& Cities hauc beene kept and defended by them, ·is alfo confumed and ddlroyed. Againe, the /lorres and beaucnly bodicsare vfcd ofGod to gouerne -and Orderthings hcro-bel0\!\' 1 35 itis in All thefc nH·anes Gods prouidence vf('th, 1 'I the 1 9, pf"llmc. N(Jthin~ ishidfrom thr hc<tNof firfl,that hemight fhewc his goodncs tOW:lrds 1 1 ·tht!fimne. Andby the J'rophet Hofta,thc Lord v's: fccondly, that he might be k.ndwne tobee fpCakcth thus, /willheart rheh'caHms, theheathe Lordoucr all: thirdly, that •wemighrbcc t HtiJ.f (lJa/l hrar: the e~trth, t./.1! (arth f/Ja// beare ~h( th:JnkfuJ\,bccau(c h(!'nO~ onC"Jy himfelfc goucr-·1 \ c~'!!.!..~' ·t~he corne foa/l/Jc~tre IJrntf. Bnnhis inflru.. . ncth vs;,but alfo 111akcth .his creatures to fcruc t_________ .-------·-------------- ----------- our - ·- -~