1 66o \-- I I ·rhc tw.:lnc ftgnts fli:;– n(d. --~~-~~· '_d_--_ 'R._:_efc_ol_ut_io_lll._____._._.~- __ ,__ i he anfwercd the building' p of Tu:terton Sn'c~ A age in thy tlatiuitic, \\'tre thJn.cuilly\;ffeCh·d,.t I plc. Secondly, the g-oucrnmcnt of the fig.ncs and pcraduemurc alfo, when thou· waff: firH l in the body is not tak-en from cxpcriwcc in naborne, they rcceiucd fomc difgra~c. ·So thm ) mre, but tainCd' long ~goc by fomc dro;..,, fie thou maicfl: Jay all the blamc:panly vpon thy l pate, and no"\' bCcaufc it h:nh ~ clokc of antifelfc for belccuing, and partly vpE:>n thePrDg-.' I quit'ic, it is allowed. M<HC· natural! -was this nojlicatoHr,who dccciucd thce.Buc to _coine.vnkit~dc of ... ~::ty, th:lt l~otc figncs fhould goucrnc to particulars, the elcCHons of daits. to puree 'j. 'hore p:n·rs,cold figncs·cold p:n~-s,carthly fing~s the bodic with <~ny kindc of purgatiO;ll,' 3nd~o .earthly p~trts. So Arifs'{hould gou.crne the comfort the fame, arcmoll: ridiculous.yvhy do heart and the vital blood,not the hcad,and the they not alfo prcfcribc houl'CS of c:uing·nteat? tdl ofrhc figncs thofc pans which arc of.the-ir Whydo they not appoint the kinds·of ineares nature and dtfP,ofiuon,Tiurdly grc:~t cxpcrt(Ec and drinks,which ..,,,,mull care and1v[c dailv?lf ofmany men datly confutcth thts rule~Forma- -thou fee-that God doth daily·blctfc thC cn~c:f- .fiy1carned Phyfiuans, and _expert ChJrurgtans priCes of tbofc Phyfitians, ..,,,hich neuer r~gard ~aue by infiJHtc cx~mplcs tound, th:~.t 1f a_man B 1 ~ thofc clcCl:io,ns in mini firing to t1rci~!p'atiem~: ! ..De let blood in the ligne,or lanchcd, or boxct1, ncucr dlcerrlCof them, let them ooe as lieS tO'I ! or feared, no h:mnc cnfucth, nly they ,haue gi- :_; the Dcuill_fromwhence they ca~e. Concer... mm tcflimonic that thc ·pat.icms haue found 'Cning the e-leCtions of daies "to fowc, to fee, to1 "'ue'n thCn:grcac·comfort.Whc-rf&c let not thcf: ·pJanr, tO 10~, they a·re- alfo foolifu : the gene.. t~.it\gs trouble thy minde any more, but let t~c tall obfctuhtioti ofthe· (cafon of the yeare~ in be ilumbrcd cucn;a1i1ongn: VaU1c and1vnprofi- ,wh~Jh-thcft things are to be done is.1ilfficifnt. ·rabic fables. ' ' , And S. Augujlint in his bookedtciP.ir.te Dri, :!. Next ;f{crfollowcth Eletlions "of.dayes laughcth a< the follic"·of them, whi<h -chool<: and ~ourcs, necc.ffaric for 'al~ h~atters, as fol; palpJcular, daics to doe their husbaridrie, 3s loWeth: ·. · " <.·· · 0 th~gh·fome ccnainc pofitions of· fl'affes had · ( Pr~paY.e !;t(f1!Mm·1. 1 0 .. fome fpcdall influenc-e to the things' Which are I Eet blood.··~bniit,c.. ·. ,;i fow~e rhe·n, ~is reaf~n isjbccaufe manygrane's ' . _)E\c6luanes. o_f corne beemgcafi U1to the ground together; Pw~'!.e w:th)Podons. ahd riVening all at ·one time: yer ·fome Of I Cut baire. (Pillcs. ~...,~ thcni are blaflcd, fome :~re eaten of bii"ds, fomc . ~Attr~Ctiut'. C 3re trodim downc vndcr foote, forue fiand and ~ Cdmfqyt thtvtrtae D1gdhuc. arc neUcr Jtouchcd. The rcll of thc-clc6Hons; .;;j Rctmuuc.. &: efpecially that oflayingfoundation,s·is mofi: ~ Expulfiye. abfurd. They fay that if~n-h<;>Uf<, acitie';atown "';; Bath~. · · ~ haue his foundation when ·the !larres be well 'E Put cf,/dren tdfcbdole. · atfed:ed, she in~abitam:s fhall haue profperous ~ Tranell. a11d qtiietliuing: ifwhen the (lanes be cUil dif ... '[Mame. ' • pofed,then trouble and difquietnes.They haue "" H,.t, hat~k!,Jifh. no experience of this but that onc!y which is ·.. Plant, moll falfc; forthey know not the foUndations Geld cattell. . , ofdties :and towns,neither the poficions ofthe La; foundatzd111, fiarrcs, Vot·hen they \\'~re· built, Let 1 Rome .and Here, I pray thee,markc their naughtie dea.. Venice be examples, bccaufe thcfe are moll :11.. ~Hngs how they abu[e thy ignorance, tomak~ I lcdged of .Aftrologers·, the time in which they -~hcmfclucs sk_ilfull ~nd to doe more then they : were bl!l!t is vncertainc, and the ~;anets are •can doe. For<f the llldgements of the bell Afal{ly fct 111 the figure ofthe foundauoof•Rome, jlrologers may be taken, cc.rrainly moll ofthcfe ,D bcc~ufe; .J,Iercwie is contrarie to the. funne, a' clcClions cannot he prcfcribed.to thee, vnleffc thingtlat impoffiblc. _Ag~ine the follr. dfthisisl' theyknow beforehand the figure of thy Natithus manifcH, that an houfc, or Cidc,-or ·comuitic.for all clct.Hons,which conccrne thypermon we:-.hh may rem-:1inc, the people bceingi -~on,mu!l: be m9dcrarcd(to fpeakc as plainly as gone, as it is in the time ofplague, and·b~nilhiheirtoies will fuffer mee) by the dircCHon of mcntand conqucil ofprinces: And the i'nh:~.bjthe rootc: of thy Nath1iric, :~.nd by the monthly rants alfo may be fafc and remainc, the builand diumall Progrcflions ofthy prefcnt Reuoclingquite confiuncd,:md bcatendownc,as we lution. Ifanyo'fthcfc pretend fomc cuill,-the' n 1 1y fee in Cartha,'l.e, the people and common partjcular Elcainnmay be :1. mcanes to increa{e wealth rcmaincd,thc Citic quire defaced. That attd tO bring it to paflC. For example, fuppofc, al elcCHons arevnlawfui,S Auffinwriting vnto :thou bceir.g a man toward m~rriagc,in the AI- !anuarim,prooucrh ic forth o(the 4· to the Gt!- mttt;aclz! thou fi ndeH3 good d3y noted by the /atians by thcfc words; Te obf_rHemonthesar.d ·Prognojhcatourto m:tny in: thou takcfi thyoptime! andyeares. Therefore (faithhe) let vs not pbrnmitic: after a while-thou :ut wc:uie ofthy obforue dll.JU, ~tnd _rrar.es, ttnd monthes, at~d I_ life: the firll day of thy marri,ge was the !aft timu, lrd(/ "'' he•rc thu of the Apojllc: I am day ofthy ioyc. What is the caufcof this? All afraid leaft I fume tak.fn labour ;, 1.111.fr.e 1vith I t_~pbnctswhich where !ignificnof thy mari... 11oH: for he rebukcth themwhich 0Y• I wiln~ · . --··-------B~L-