- ---~- - -·-------- - ------,---;c:-----'----'-· i to t~e (ountttj:..rtWJ i 6tri i l l --- g_o_c_,_b_e-ca-u-fc-tl-le_M_o_o_n_e_i,-'tl'->p-s_o_r_t_h_us_n_l=oo:_--, ll-.:--l·_T_h-ey_t_m_k_e:_:th_e;:__c,;-~c_;_·J-ti:_h;:c-,,-'- ,d-c_lc_i,-:-c-"m':-h 1---..:._...:.....:...::J ; ucd, or I will take my iourncy that I may hauc lioufcs bc-cing higher aboue the hori·;.on :hen g~od (ucceA"e, becau!C there is fuch :l pofi.tion the firH, to lie of JeflC force then it : :.r.nd [ht OfJbrrs:,I ''!Jill not doe my bufin,cs this n1omh, fourth houfc tObe of gtcater power thc:n any ; I btc:lu[c fuch 3lbrrc galicrnctll this tnonth: dt abonc the Horizl:'ln liot Cardin:<ll :and the end If I will doe my bulii1cs this nioncth bccaufc fuch Ofthe nimh.,o bt mOre in po'Ner then the bei f a flJrre rulcth. How chcnl11alla mari doe, not ginning of the cleucnth hou!t: all\'\ hi::h arc aeo br,ake the word of God? Art thou a nian gainft rcafOn,bccaufc aplanet the morcpcrpcn.: 1 that dclirdl to !cad a 'hriHian life? ThCn take I ~icul:1r hi:; bcamcs arc; ·the mol'<:: is his fhrcc. , I theexample of Peml, ~s ~ p:nterne to gouc::rne They :mfwcl', although the fOrce;- of the light all the atlions ofrhy life: WithoutC'-"afing(llith be great, yet thi:: fccrcr influence i.s lc1Tc, ::1nd 1 he) I mAl?.! mmrion qfyou ili mJ pray""rs: /hfe~-. the firH houfe hath morcfornblc_irJlucncc 1hC/ t:bin_~ rhm by fomr mranu, on: timr or otbtr1 the t\\'Cifthot clct!cnth. lf the influence be fc.: 1 mighrb.111eprofptrrJHs iourney by th4 will of God crethow can they know·it? againcthcyc::m by tDctJmt11nlO)DM. So thou if chou hall any buli.: no gobd ·cxperi<:ilcc fhow th~~ rhofc hor1!Cs ndfe in hand,anfimkne-yto takc,aoy thing td hane more influenCe thC the rdl; this influence buy ot· fell, oranJ·othct matter: neuc~ regari.J B makcth againH ihcm. 1 fay they cannOt prog; thc.contlelt:ltions of Heaucil, commit thy felfe 11Djlicnubccaufe they know not one Hars verto the oncly prouidence of God t in whomC tuc. Fot wh·creas they fay, th3t th(' !Unnc, and thou h3!l thy life aml.motion,and bccing, who mooncand planets ha:ue moll force. I ~nfwcr; ·direCt:eth :a.l thy llepperprayvmo him priu:ltC-' chat it is by rcafon of their light, not their in.: ly with thy fclfeto bldfethee and al thyaclios, tlucnce, which is fmall, and there is farre ~reathat they niay tend to his gloric, th¥ welfare: tcr in the fi11allefi fixecl fiaircs.So that the.fixed thou {halt finde tliat all thy enn:rprifcs Will Jlarrcs although they h:1uc no light, or very hauc better fioccc!fe, then if the whole hoall of fmalllight pcrd<iued, yet they haue mofi in" hcJucn, & all the PrfJgnqflicatours of .England, tlucnce.rAnd fo thefc men rlrull needs iireame had promifcd neuetfo mtoch profperitie. Now becaufe they iudge by wrong caofes.«'el,their let vs (hew their abfurd folly in prof.n.j/itating figure bccing framed and ditlinguilhcdr'Wi_rh ofthe fiatc ofthe yearc;ofwhich theirpredil1ifaire charaCt1 erS; then goC they on to finde the on/ 3rC either scncrall for the whole ycarc, or Lord ofthe figure, that isJ that Planet which lfpeciall for eueryday.In their gcnerallpredtCiihath moltdr:nwes m the figure. . •01112rC confidered either thegroundSof them, .C· · r H~ufes ofPl.tnns. 'or the matters which they toretel. TbirgroUds ~· · \ 2. E."C,lftatton. .. • ardpeelally two. 1. The figure of the reuoluf!'he dt~•·l- 1<f<Trtpltcttte. 1 1 ' '' •l tionOf thc:yeate, ercll:e.d when the funne entin t,f the14 Termu. '\ 1 ' ·i trcth ifuo the fir{\ minuteof..Ariu.z.The figure :Pianeu, 1 Sr~trrts• ' ""' ce1eCHalfonhc:timcoftheEclipfeofthC"ii.Jnne ""' fountk ·6]/qHfn. r· "' 1n.. 1 <~ and moone:for vpon thefe twaine,fay <bey,deoNt 67 tbefe '7 Fruotf{tfromCom6#jllo•J ,. 1 •, pendeth the whole fiate Of the year'e. '}O their 11Je4ttel ef. 8 D1reEfJ01l/; I f J 1" rl <elefiiall figures the~ confider the ereCling of pmallJ. · 9 f/elocttte •f ~ourfe, ·· ' them,andthe findingofthe Lord ofthefigurC'.. · · 1 r0 1 Saz..rmt. J, 1 !H· 1 .Theerrtling ofthe figurc)conraineth very ma... ·~:tJ I ti I 'Solne.a.JPeEf:s -of.Qther;1t •. '''.' ny abfurditics. 1. • ''Planets, ·;u').,. ·1dl ~; .\,\ 1. They follow that way, which Regiam••- .Thcfe toveo be> fo fooli·lh"thaoa leafonable tamiJ did·inuent, neuer as yet prooued b'y.anie m:ln would 'm)tiouchfafe to r.efi1tc ;hen'uy.ct.;;i cxpcriCcc,and ltat!y differing from th-ofc waic.s word orcw::i.in•.tfche houfe'Saethc•Pianetttfult which of auncicnt Ajlrologmwero •fed: and be battered ard·pulol·down'Cidll !hcrdt ofdroi/ 'vcre inu~ll,ttd byGaz..u/ru ~ndCamptl71611. N'Jy worfl1ip and dig.rrido wiWiieiinahe dnfi: '14t.¥6s oftenrimes it m:~kcth the Planet or fixes:) 'fiane D and'Sctnpim :~re appofntc4 ~ht; ho(l[(''S .Of..rJ.lAt/l' w fignific afht contraric thing to that whith TalfriU and LiOra, .th2houfcs.rofVmm; Gimilli thcfe two other doe, i and T"irgo, the hm1fes of MrrrHry: C?anat'r."l;hc z. The caning of the heauen5 into twelue houfe of r.hc Mqanc; Led the Roufc. 0£..;.t}1t: di!lintl: kind of matter$ is ridiculous, bccaufc Sunnt; Sa ..{itrarim and Pifoes the houfes of~ Ju.. it beeing imagined, and void of {brre:s, c3n piur; fiquari1u, and Cnpricq~ -tlre hoLifes haue noforce. Yet (feme will fay)othtr fhrrcs of SatHrllt, What 'rcafo·ndoethey git'Je of this2 bccing in thofe places mayhaue &: fignitic fi1ch LtD and C.tuiur, f,.y they, ~re: th~ houfcs of the or fi1ch 1 effeCls. I anf·wer that if flarres ofdiucrs S11m1t and Moo11e>beeau[~ thC!}r rcfemblc(rhc n.1tures i:omming to fttch an houfe alwaies nature ofthc;:fePiantrs, anti He~Ca\lfc th<'y Cofltt ilgnifying fomone kind of thing 1 tbC thehouft.• moHn.cere.ollt h<'ads: fuch t~l{fon they giuothf mull of neccffitic ginc fomc tOn·e vnco chc the rcfl. What feeble grqtmds 3I'c: thcfc? As~n P!.1n'-"t::md fo it fh:~l hauc nOt only :maugm~nthe North p 1 a.ri0f the wot!tl Canc.d·.and 1 L#o tin~, but :llfO :ln cffcCl:uall v.·orking power, rcfemblc the nature,of th~ Sunm: fo initlie \\·hieh ..Aftrolvgers dcnic, :lnd no rcafon can 1 Somh pan, in th<' conttaric climates, Crzphce):- proouc. ---- I nm, ~nd Aquarim do.c re(('·mbje thl·ir nott)rcs-. O_q qq t Aifo --- ~-- .