--'------- ------------ ------ -:-------------------- 66z. i<; C!.A T-.._ejo!ution - ~--~--~--~~----~------~-- I Alfo in Ctlery counnic 10mc diucrs Gg:ncs be A onaric:bccaHfe their venue i; fixed (as it \o\"Crc) 1' ---~ either vctticall,or d(c come nearc the coppc of in one pl:1cc by reafon of the flow motibn. tl•c countric,and 10 all fignes nlal bc.thc hou!cs Combuj/ion·is in like fore 3fained thing:\Vhn : I of the SHnne and M(}()n:. No•A' then, tlie funne r.eafon can Aftrologtn giuc, "'hy it t110~111 oiue bccing difplafcd, I c:mnot find hnw the rc!l of Vnto ~ fhrrc fii1c dcbilirics?Thcy ralk how~-hat thoc P!. .wtt; e<t\1 keep their hold. To'go funher, expcnencc tcathcth them, th:trP/anru-beeino [ the cxalcltions of Plt~mts in like mannet are vndcr tbc bcames of 1hc Sunne, Joe Joofe ~ 1 vcne drc:amcs. 'I bey fi•ppofc E.t·alt>lttOJt.t be grear,nay(fo~ne fay )alltbcir force.It is ::t rnaniI \ thofc degrees 1ll 1,.\ htch the PlanctJ were 10 the J tCfl vm~uth ..For ~erm~·ie .bcci~ng ofthe n3.ture ! bcg111nmg of the" orld. But why fJ1ould thofe I of that Planet wuh w)Hch he ts conioyncd, if I pbces glUe more forcc_thcn any other? And tf he go from coniunCtion with Sarurnc vnto the they could g1uc mor~~: lorce,yct they hauc fal{ly Snnnc, he gcttc:th no debilities thereby, but ra1 affigne~l them. For the Sum:e \\'<lSrllOr mArtu, ther 1o1lng the feeble and-vntOuun:uc Nature \"V hen ic w:;as nc:ncd p( God,bm ·was placed in of Saturne, recciucth a more Hrono and fortuLi6ra,which I pro~uc by this reafon..G:oderea- B , nate nature of the Sunne.lf:lfly r~a~ fay againH ted man and bcall_m perfeCt age, g1umgvmo me that.Mtr.&Hrie combuHh:uh no force, hce them all kindcs ot fruites beeing then ripe, fo •• Ucc,ciueth himfeJfe;·For iH1e'!be llOt hihCcred rhat in thebeginning was the time ofthcycuc he n.nurallywill eaufe windes,beeing·coml>ufi ~which wecal harueH.Now becaufc God neuer he not onely.engcnder~rh Windes, but·caufeth 2ftcrw-:1rd changed the fcafons, :111a we fin.dc tempd\uous windes an'CI fOule weather.~ Jii'Athat in the time ofripendfe the Sunne is al\\·aic_s rirJ) TIIHYIU, c~nctr, hce makcth Trmpdls in in Li6r.t, WC mull nccdcs alfo fay that his place Virgo, an<t _ScorpiH1, raging $cas, inSa'g;tinrim, in the crc:nion was in Libra, In the 2 3. of E~.:- Capricorn!u, AqHarim; anet P;fceJ, r3ine a~d odus God comm:mded that th'e feall of the eafi10w.Againe when many-dayes together t·herc bcrnacles flloldd be celcbr:l,ted jn the end of h:uh bccncfairc wcather 1, the funn'"c ·if it come the ycarc,whC the Il'r:Jcht~s Bad'·gatb~red ·thcir to be in 'oniun6Hon or :~ily other afpctl ~lrh 1 fruit~~ut ofthe ficlds.WhercJorc it mull needs Sarurnc,m:;akcth very foule wc·:~rhcr,& thqfotc be tht&t harucft, \'I.'. .,~Jin thJ: bcgi!ming of the the afpeCh of the Sun & lupiitr arc callc~ Aperyeare (the beginning and cnd~ng.bcdng.;both tionu port11rkrnpropluuia. This could nOt come together) ~nd fo by compting batk~ilrds w~e • to pdfc if Sa111rne had his force dimihifbcd by fl1al1 finde tlut. the S:mne w:ts·in:fzibr4 in thC I C the beams ofrhc Sun.Ap'lanet al(o belng!in"Sa.; beginningof the wo,rld. To this a~grecth loft- • ::> ~imi,thatis,bcingwithin t6.rninuts ofche funs !' phuJ dt antiqnit, Lib~ J. c.ap. 3: 11Jf6i Elettz..ar middJc;hath thereby 5.clignitics,,..vhich c:m·not vpon Gmef. and Ra6bi Abra11iJ"t_ 1 .AbtnE:t:..ra , w.cll be1 ~f th:lt combuiHOngiuc ~, debiHtics; • vpon the 7· of Daniel. .• l • -\' ! For-the Plmut is in th~ middJc of his cornbu{H... The reil of the digni~ifiS oithe PlamtJ corn. ' on,and the Sunne c:.Oeth his bc:arnc$ an·d fo'rcc. ftfi of_Principlcs more wcakc1t"hcn waJ~r. FirH j vcric:v-.chCmcml~vport it. Th~fc t~i-rrgs fh~W_c"' 1 what 1s- \\lore~ vnreafonable t"b a \eafo~able ;1 hoY{~bfurd a thmg combufhon Js·: yet 1f 1tr man then this, that (}'l:if[.- motion•fl1<?uld.giue l were :t golld and found prmnple of. Aftro.., · ' vmo aplanet tW'? dignities: and &\pw rnb_tion, ~ logy,:md gaue vmo cucry planet fiue~el>1hues, two debilitics:it fcen,etluo bc.pJ:U~e conuery. t· ya-t.lt_Could uot be pr~ouedl th?t hberue fiom', Fora fwift(cbuffc ~H.a0CJ'Cth..thettprcc of the comb.ufiion Ihould gtue fiue dignitics.j becing 1 P"tnet,a{low courfc hclp.c.th the fame: and the l oncly a rncerc ab!Cnce and priuation. of.·the offat.ioris of any PIIJ!1Ct maKe ~n-;c!f'c-ClUall and th:cr.t.Mdgnfl at theprc-fnlcc ofthe '1!1~mant, fcnfible opcratiO. A colt· of~re~n a ti1ans hand is hinth:cd rrom dra'-1\'iil_g Jr~·n: yet if tht)1da-~, jfi~be {h'akcn abouttvery much,n heatoth vo1y mant1bc 3\.vay, the attraClwc vcrtu'C-of. the litr:lc;if it be fhaken morc..flqV..·ly. , 1t hea[cth D magnu iSnot increafed.Hcrc I might wiL.h calt toofe: b.ut if. itr·lie•{l:'tll,· it b.u,rO'eth violently.;. confute the triplkitics of Pla1uts, diret1fon_;, Jkftdc this, alfo cxpcriericc confirmed) roY,:tf. G afpc~s; applications, prcuemions, r~freh.at1~ fcrtion. ln "the yeare Of O.utJlo:rd 1 5 I j. the Pns;."vith' many fi1ch like, bu~. my itacnt at Sunneemcring into Pifces ·was.almofi,jn trinc this time is oncly to lhcw thee fome vmnlthCs afpc:'Cl: with S11tllrr.e lbtional'ic, 3 little while ofOur PrognofticatoHrt. .- aftc"t, thC:re was a great frofi and fnowc comi,.. .1 Thus much fo,r rhc ground Ofthdr~redidinuingmany dayc:s:3nd when S~ttnrn~ b~gan aons, 1)0~ follo\ttthc m:mers, of ,.,·b~eh they gaine to bedireCt, the wca~herwa.s mdt~ctcnt Prog~oftrcau , :md ,they are v~ry m.::my :_nay~ l\!arme. In thcyeare J 5 I 8. m Aprtll JHptteralther n no.m'Olttcr almofl,of\\'h"1ch they ~\·Il not rrioft·in focHn4a ftatione bcholdifl.g Satm-ne_ i!J gi~c their vc~dit e:b~•t how they doe th1s I wl_ll flationepi'im4 caufrd 3 gre:uheate, confidcr1ng I bnctly make 1t mamfcfl vnto theeJ tllat thctr the thue oftbeyearc. In the yearc r 520. Sa.. Iyes and their vnchrifli:m dealing may be more ttmie (a. I loid before) beci11g flationnie made loothed.of thee. fuch oco!t!, tlm fpoilcJ the Grap_es ond mad~ -- 1._ Th~y ·foretell' <>f Comets, Emhquokcs, Wint deare.Vpon chefe examples and many o,- F::nnmes,and plagues,.&c:-.bur they doe It as the ,her I may concludc,that the v-:orke and infh~- blind man whic.h C:'l!tcth h1s fl::tffe he knoi.\'Cih cnce ofP/;mc.tJ, isn•otl felt when they are lhtinot where, No man ::ts ycr cucr kn<.·wc rhc rruC' · caufCs -----