Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I to the [ountrry~man. I 66"~ i - - - caufes of thcfc. As for Comets andblning A • rconjlrf!,uiuns wor/;~F"' th,:;;::;-,1 ---~; • fhrrc~, they doe 11or rife of the influcn_cc of 1 . hJ thrfo:trt F•fr qtw!Jrict. ! any Harrcs,neither arc they any earthly th1ngs, Elements 'W()yk,: 'ZJpon', and tt!rrr the I j Prou.t.d.,. ltu.s..s,. but are in heauen, moll commonly farre abouc compound bodrcs 1md J~ur.t~1".f, ' j the Moonc, as byGcometrica11, and AHronoCcJmpound~ bodic.r by r!Jcir qualities : ! micall demonfirations may be rrooucd: How Say< change rbefmfls. I I this commcth to pa!fc the Lord onely knowfomc, I T/J( fonfos becmg aftrrtd, tlevndtrf/ituI eth.And furcly they doe thee great iniuric,that dmg u al.cud, I when as no doubr,God doth lighten them,:md ' I The vndnjftmdmg lrifr!y a!trrcth and , fend the rdl extraordinarily, as thrcatning tomc!mtth thewt!l of mar.. I / kens ofhis fore difpJeafi.~re, yet they ·will rock LThetcfort· Conftell~'!uons md:r.erhtwtll. ! thee aflecpe in the cradle offecuriti~,by telli1~ Tlus r<.afon ts nor much vn~1kc lhat v.lHclr , th3t fuch tokens came from the ordm~rycourle the drunlo;en man maketh, ferutng as well for of the hcauens. the defence of his vice, ;;~.s the (ormer for ap~ proouingoftrurh in Diuination. •· They foretell all th'ings which happen in ciuill affaircs amongH d,en~ as arc thcfc which B He which drinkJth ,.,1/,jlup<th rn/1: He whichJletperh well tiJtnb,ph no h11rmc: follow. . ·"" ' ( Lou< and hatredofk._insfol/,f. ' ' I , Marriages. , " _,._: Encreafooff~trmu thid•/iHiwgs. Iniurics ttt1dqu:zrr'e!t. J R•yJing •f rmts. ' ExaHmg offnbJiiliuby oj]itm. Falforumors. · ~· lmprifonmentl. · .., A Hardmtteatwg of•EuleJiaftstallperfoni. B#J!?k ,fe!li~g:vn~~'!'i~ing. •~ : Tht fl•d;i•g •Tfc•••(•'· <' I Frei11de.sfall olitJorfrijltJ. , ' • So!emncprogrtj{es. • J Fauourofno6lemen. ') ·' Men foal/ fall, 6ods'e/~nd goot{s; 'mio the C 'Princes haniJes. ' · 'll J· '' .\ ' Mafchand;jevnpr~fit'able,&c• . ·~ ''' ' • 1' :'= ~ ' '; .\ -;: tlJ ': Thefe.'U'<e-.procecde onelyf~oif! the will of'mfn ;;\;he,conllC!Iaiions of rurtcs are neit~er fijjhc'skdt couiC; of <hem. So'!'<' will I fay, Ncn :;mp~nere' ni~jfitattm, fed· incli».are 1· SteOM, ·that'is, That tla\-re'S'06C not cot1£l'rainc, but on'ely incline the' ~i,Odes of meri·: a tnofi: I wicked raying, althotigh•m'?ll commonly fpo– kcn of ind_Jcfended. <F~.r,ihe inclinin~~f the i will of man is onely th'C'worke of Go.d,as•the [ holy Scriptures doe teal:lrv_ s. '[hehearldf man 1 ( Ji<itb s41olliin) p•rpoforh' hs;•... ,a; bm ibe LorddsreCftlhM jitps;' O' Lurd (faith lerimie the Prophet') rha;rlmiiaj'IJf'man,unoH~him- D ftlfe, neither is it tn ma,J io ~alf<! and dir2fJ his jlepps.He fpeakcth this becaufe that Ne~! purpofcd to hauc made \\'arrca-gainll: the Moa6ius ~nd .Ammonjtes, but he·afirig of ZedekjJU rebellion, he turned his power to·goe againCl ltrHfa!cm, therefore the Prophet faith, that wherdi he had ot~erwifc purpofed, yet this was the Lords inclination and direClion. Again in the.Proverbs we reade thus: That the heart of the King U bt theh,mdsofthe Lord, 1U the riHtrs ofP'ater, hedir~ffeth it whether he l"il. It wil be faal,<hat although God properly and I il'llmcdi:ucly inclincah the .,.,·ill ofmom: yet alfo fome linall inclin~tion mull be giurn vnto the St:urcs,and lhat immcdintcly. For He wluciJthink.!thnohotrme, U A goodman: . 1 Therefore hce wbich drinkph well, :1 " [otJd l .. Th:'dcccits 3lld vntnahcs w·~i~h be in th;i.; j reafom, arc very many~ ;, r; The fhrre~ worke vponmens bodics,yCt fa that the nature of the Countric and 1 foy'Je-; 1 themeats and d[inkcs h:ltle mofi commonly gr~ate~ force, Why arc the bodits of GcmJc.. men ot England and poore labouring mcmof diuers difpoticion~? are not both in one 1 cbumric? doe not the fhrrc-s·fhcwc their fbice· in them alike? yes trucly,but'thc kind of hfc & dic~·preuailcth. In the fame. r<'gion, why 're· they, which O\vcll vpon hills,-ol ·other tempt•· ra~ures then the-y, ·which d~.oeJJ vpbn plainc.& cllampion ground? why? rl(X not the.fame in• flucncc5 of ftarres-makc them ofrliKc n·:aurcs~ b' it not becauJC,the'nature ofthe f6y le prCua.icl leth? So then, when as there •De many caufcs, etfc~ualf,and ditferiQg inalni:·'gmens bodies·, to bu·iJd an argument vpon on't!c.aufe is mofi vnr:eafonablc. , - r • ' 2.: The Harrcs worke vpon the Element"$~ earth, water, ayre, by making bcatc,cold,moi– fi~rC,drincffc. Th~Elements, howworkc thry on •mens bodics? •Cfhcy w.lll alfo fay by making Meace:,cold, moy£lure, drincffl!: ·which is moft vmrue: for the hotter, and drier the clcoJcnu be:, tHe coldet•~·nq moy'!tcr by nature are mens , bodies.Accotding eo that faying ofEmpedocles ~au~rc placed a !lone bodic in a cold coun... tri'c~and a cold bodi~ in a hot coulicric. ."· i.. 1hcPhilo[ophers fay that all caufesare ei– ther· per fo or per accidms. Now the heaucns becing caufcs ofthe alrcration of the fenfcs per accidens, they nmfi not be C:lllfcs of the illclina.. Cion of the will, either per fc or per accidens, but per accidcntisaccidem, \\'hieh ii moO: ridi~ culous. 4o This long chaine by which they linke the will of man to the Harres, if it (hall be ap..: plyed vmo paniculars, it mull needs breake: forthc:eClions of the will is buyin a fell in a trauai~ing, lying, heaping vp wc:~lrh: m~rd~~ ring, ijlrcadmg of f:~l fc rmnors,offcring ofdii– . courtdics, hating of kinsfolkcs, and fi1ch iikc, 1 ----------------------=Q_O>ql.:!.-'q '1.2_ __ ___ __ \Vl~i_c!:.~---·