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Verf. i r . An Expoftt on ofthe 2.7. Fftime. diVertly : fometime fdr his own adminiftrrtion and doing or working. as lob 26. 14. Lo thefe arepart of his wages having fpoken ofmany ofhis marvellouswoi-kes in the for- mer verb=s, 7, 8, &c. as afterward , Behemoth is called the chief of thewayesof C od, that is , ofhis works. 70! 40. 19. Pfal. 77. 19. Thy Way is in thefea, and thypath in the Treat waters, thy footfeps arcnot l`noWn : which hath refe- rence to Verf. Iq, 15. Thouart the God that deft wonders, &c. Pfal. 1 o3.7. He made knoWn his wayes unto Mofes, his arts unto the c!ildren of Ifrael. Otherwhile, and molt commonly, Gods way is that, wherein he would have man towalk : that is, the courfe of life and dealing , which he wouldhave men to take as yethro faith to (J`Flfes, E od. 18.20. Thou (halt teach them ordinances and laws, and(halt fhery them the way , wherein they muffWalk, and the Work that they muff do. See Ter. 42. _3. Herein David defines to be inftrucedof ( od. Yea further, hee would have God, not onely to teach him the way, brit to lead him in a plain path ; that is, fach a path as is right and gait without any crookedneffe: and filch is the wayof Gods word,the courre and behaviour, which God there prefcribes them : as 'Pro. 8. 6. The openingofmy mouth fhall be right things : the C7si4vo fame word, which is here ufed, further expol,nded, l'erf. 8, 9. All the words ofmy mouth, are in righteoufnef fe;&c. And this favour he delires, becaufe ofhis enemies, that is, of fuch as did obferve and watch him , for advantage to doe him hurt. In the words thus underftood,note two things. Firft,his The firft double requeft made toGod : fecondly, the reafon ofthem Ob;ervaticn. both. For his requefts, the fira is this ; David befeecheth God to teachhim that way of his , wherein hewould have him towalk. So Pfal. 5.8. Leadme, 0Lord, in thy righ- teoufneffe make thy way plain before myface. Pfal. 25.4. Sheame thy wages, OLord, Pfal. Y 43.8. Caufeme to ,now the way, wherein I jbouldwall, Pfal. 86.11. Teach me thy way, O Lord. The reafons hereofare three, Fírft, in regard of God, T4e I4.e0n. to 93