Verf. i i. sin Expofrtionofthe 27. Pfalme. 9rß' ning,and never come to the knowledgecfthe truth,? Tim. 3, 6, 7. Secondly, diligent in tiring Gods ordinances in an holy manner. Gods ordinances for knowledge are the word and prayer. Theword muff be reverentlyheard,read and meditated, Pfal. i 19.99. Ihave more underfianding then allmy teachers, for thy teftimonies are my meditation andprayer gets wi edome, Jam. . 5. The holy manner of tiling there ordinances is, in humility, and yeelding obedi- ence to that they do know, john 7. 1 7.for finch have a pro- mile of the fpirit, whichGodpath given to them that o- bey him, Ails 5.3 2. which is that annointing, that tea- cheth all needfull things, i yohn 2. 20,27. The fecond. The fecond petition, which David here puts up unto oblervation. God is, that God would lead him in a plain path, that is, in a path that is right and Straight, wherein is no erring r or Straying out of Gods way, even in a path ofrighteouf- neffe, as fome tranflate it. In which petition note two things : the firft implyed, that the paths of Godsway are plain paths,fuch as are Straight, and right, without crooked turnings, Prov. 4.11. Ihave taught thee in the way ofwife- dome : Ihave led thee in right paths, Prov. 8. 6,8. The ope- ning ofmy lips(hall be right things All the words of my month are in rrghteoufneffe, there is nothingfroward, or per- verle in them. Therefore St. Paul calls them the ífraight wayes of God Alts 13. IC. The reafon is plain;thefe paths areof Gods own traaing The Rearm: out, beir g indeednothing elfe, but plain evidences of his will, which in every thing is right and equall : for Gods willing ofa thing makes it good, though otherwifeit were moft abhominable, if he fhould not require it : as is molt plain in the fact of Abraham, whenhe offered uphis fonne Ifaac : forwhich e 4hrahams faith is renowned. Hebr.i 1. 17. and his fear of t od approved,Gen. 22.12. And on the fame ground Davidfaid,Therefore I efteem all thy precepts concerning all things, to be right. Pfal. 119. 12.8. This ferves for instruction, admonition, andcomfort. For inffruc`fion it doth plainly difcover the great mea- . The ufe fóc 0 2 fuse ynílrufiion.