Vrf.12 . 14sß Expofition of the 27. Pfalme. foules, mots: eagerlydid delire to bringhim intoan inevita- ble ftrait, forutter ruine, hee befeecheth the Lord that he would not give him into their hands,to have their foules fa- .tisfiedwith his dei?ruftion. In this petition fo underfet000d r ote two things : Firfl, the facred trope, or rhetorical) phrafe, which David here ufeth to expreffe the unfatiable delire ofhis enemies, o work his overthrow, he calls it their very foule: asalto l'fal. 3 5 25. Let them notfay in their hearts, ah, al.:, our foule, that is, ourfull delre,fo We wouldhave it : and Pfal. 41.2.Thou wilt not deliver him to thefoule ofhis enemy, that is, to the will and defare, where we fee he puts the foule, that is the feat and fubjeet for the will and delire that is feated therein. The reafon whereoffeems to be this, hereof to manifefl more plainly, the exceilive meafure of fpite, and malice, which was in Davids enemies, which feemed tohim no lefk, then iftheir very foules had been framed and compo- fed thereof. This ferres for inftruaion, and for admonition. For inilrudion, three wayes. Firlf, it Ihewes the law- full üfe of the art ofRhetoric), if it be without vain affer- tationofwit and eloquence, even in the difpenfation of Gods Word ; and withal). the neceflity of fome compe- tent knowledge therein, for right interpretation of the fame. Secondly, here fee, that men indued and guided by Gods holy fpirit, when they fpeak of corrupt affehions in the foules ofnaturals men, do not mince the matter, with qua- lifying termes, to make them feem fmall things oflittleor no danger, but do rather aggravate the fame, by fignificant terms and phrafes, which may plainly thew, that fin therein is for meafure exceeding great,for a danger damnable,why elfe íhouídDs'avid hile themalitious will, and delire of his enemies, by thevery name ofthe foule it felf ? who.fe Reps -St, Paul doth plainly follow, fpeaking of the corruption P3 of 107 The firn Obfervation, metonymia fubjetti. The Reaion. The firil U{e for infiru ti- uu. The feccmd Life fer in- f}ruftion.