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124 .yinExpofation ofthe 27. Pfälme. Vert. 13. forehis converfion, AR, 9. I . ',hall lay afide their cruet', nature, and live moll lovingly, and peaceably with the chil- dren of God : as Ads 9. z6. and 2 .).2q.. Now this holy calling is wrought by God, in the ufe of means ordinarily, even in the word preached ; the law to difcover fine, Row. 3.2 'S. and the gofpell to fow the feeds ofgrace, Ads zo, 24. Herein mutt we exercife our felves as Cornelius did, Alts I o. 33. and as Lydia did, Ads i6. 14. and fane`tifie our endeavour therein, by prayer to God for the blellingofhisfpirit:for by prayer the fpirit is obtai- ned,Lttke I I. i 3.of thofe that by repentance turn from fin. Prov. I . 23. andby new obedienceendeavour to adorn the gofpell of Chrift. As 5. 3 2. Thus waiting on the Lord, we maywith comfort expedl his bleffing : asthe poor im- potent peopledid for their bodily cure, at the poole of Be- thefda, by the Angells moving of the water, /ohn 5. I . &c. Verfe 13. I had fainted, unlej7'e 1 had believed to fee the goodne fe of the Lord ta the landof the living. Verf. 14. Wait on the Lord, beofgoodcourage, andhefhall ftrengthen thine heart : Wait, Ifay, on theLord. 'Yhe meaning 'T`Hefe two lait verfes contain the third and laft part of of the words. thePfalm, which is this : Vpon acknowledgement of thegreat benefit he received bybelieving, he doth notably encourage and ftirre uphimfelf, and others, towait ',till on God by faith. The acknowledgement of the great benefit ofhisbelieving on Gods promife is,verfe 13 .the encourage- ment tohis own foule, and others alfo, by faith towait on God is in the lait verfe. The fentence in the originali, letting downthe acknow- Apofiopofis. ledgement ofthegreat benefit Davidhad by believing, is forfome words, thoughnot in fenfe, defeftive and imper- fe&, requiring forne fupply : which the feope and circunn- fances ofthe place do film sttufic be, either what his ene- mies would havedone, iffiehad not believed; namely, they (a) Juuius had prevailedandoverthrown him : and fo (a) forne fop- and Pikator. P Ply