Verf. i 3. AnExpofitienofthe 27. P falme. ply thedefeft : or what hehimfelf fhould have done, if be had believed ; namely, fainted, and funkunder the burthen ofviolent perfecution, as vatatlu+, whcm our t.tanßations follow. Terwe mull not leave cut the word 14,11}, ex- Bellarm cept, as thc Papif;s do, faying,it was left outby the Septua- gint becaufe it was of no great mcment. Following there- fore the fupply, which is rightly made in our bibles , the words bear this fenfe : as ifhe fhould have faid, fo great was my perfecution, that I had fainted, and fo the enemy had prevailed again( me, unleffe I had believed to fee the goodneffe ofthe Lord, that is, toenjoy thofe good things, both temporal! and fpirituall, which thc Lord bath promi- fed me ofhis goodnefe and bounty. So the phrafe is taken, EccIej 2. x . Enjoy pleafure : in theHebrew it is, fee good, as alto verfe 24. and 3. t 3. and 5. 18, In the land ofthe living, that is, in this world, here on earth,where the living are : fo, withthe fcope of the Prophet here, the ufe of the phrafe generally in Scripture doth thew it mull be taken, and underltood, as (hall be fully (hewed afterward. In the words thus underflood note two things. Firl}, thename, or title which theholy ghoft gives to this world. Secondly, that in this world God vouchfafes to impart his goodneflè unto the fonnes of men. Thirdly, that David for his part believed to enjoy Gods goodneflè here on earth. Fourthly, that by believing he was upheld from fain- ting inhimfelf, and from ruine by his enemies. for the firfi, God by the mouthof `David here calleth The firm this world the landof the living. This habitable place of obíervation. the earth, wherein men live a natural! life, is the land ofthe living, in the í61e and and phrafe of theholy Ghofi. This is plain, and certainby the ordinary ufe of this phrafe in Scripture. See ?ob 28. i 3. The place of wifedome is not found in the land ofthe living, that is, among living men in this world : for it were abfurd to fay, the place of under- fandingwere not to be found in heaven, feeing it is there faid, Godunderflandeth the way thereof, verfè 23. See al- fo, Pfal. 52. 5 . Davidforetelling thedellruction ofDeg, faith. I25