Verf. 3. An Expofitionofthe 27. Pf4lme. thoughnever fo learned, and fend us to the Scripture. See e"!!Tug. EP. 19 Iren. 4. adverfus hæref. cap.63. Foradmonition, that we confider Gods providence o- The tlfe for verQs herein, caning us to have our time in the land ofthe admonition. living, which we cannot deny tobee a great favour : and thereforefhould endeavor to walk worthyof this blefing: whi h after theexample of Chrill is, towork the works of him that fent us, ?ohn 9. 4. Firdt, that we repent of our fins, Mat. 3.2. Lzd e 13. 3,5. Secondly, that we believeon je fus Ch riff, whomGod hath fent to beour Saviour, iohn 6. 28. This God commandeth to all, that would be faved, yohn 3.2 a. with s. 13. Thirdly, that we work out our falvation with fear and trembling, Phil.2. i 2 which is then done,when with reverence to God,whoworketh all grace, we do humbly and conítantly exercife our felves in the meanes thereof, ever making confcienceof fìnne, till we receive the end ofour faith, which is the falvation of our foules, t Pet 1.9. The fecond point to be hereobferved is this, That in the The lecoñd land of the living, that is in this world, God dothbounti- Obfervation fully impart his goodneffe to the fonnes ofmen : this is here taken for granted, and elfe-where plainly affirmed, Pfal. 33. s. The earth isfull ofthegoodnefreofthe Lord,Pfal. i ¡g. 64. The earth isfull ofthy mercy, Pfal. 1 45.9. The Lord is trood to all : even the brute creatures do daily taft ofhisboun- ty, Pfal. 104. 27.18. They all wait upon him, hegives them their meat in duefeafon. That hegiveth theygather: he ope- neth &- hand, and they arefilledwithgood. The reafon hereof is two-fold. Firff, becauíè in nature The fùil and effence he is goodneffe it felf, love it felf, and bounty it Reafon. felf,and fo can no more detain his goodneffe from the crea- tures, then the fun can his light from the world, when it is rifen : and indeed by the exercifeof goodneffe and bounty doth he manifeft this effentiall property : as Pfalm 119. 68. Thouart good, anddeft good. Jam. 1.17. By hisgood gifts and perfeft givings he is feene to bee the father of lights. S Secondly, 1 2