22S The fecond Secondly, byhis free and abundant communication of Rearm. goodneffe he ,binds every creature unto him , and man particularly to honour him : for even temporalibenefits are his witneffes, that he, from whom they come, is the true trod and that he mull be honoured for them : fee AO'. 14. 17. Hereupon the godly do itirre up themfelves to due and daily thankfulnetfe : as Pfal. 103. t,2. and 116. 12. This ferves for inftruaion, admonition and comfort. The fir ti For infiruc3 ion two wayes. Firfr, this (hews plainly, U e for in- that the true God is not known, . as he ought to be, no not ration. in this property ofgoodneífe. That which Pharaoh pro- feffed ofhimfelf without fear, Exod. 5. 2. oho is the Lord? I k,low not the Lord is true cf all naturall men : for if they rightly knew this one property ofgoodneffe and bounty,in tine communication o blefTings, their hearts would cleave unto him, in an unfaigned defire to be his by covenant : for every man is a friend tohim that givethgifts. Prov. 19. 6. while they therefore fay,who is the Almighty,that we fhould fervehim ? andWhat profit fhouldWe have, ifwe pray unto him ? Job 2 t . 15. they (hew themfelves worfe, then the devil( h.imfelf, who faid,doth 7ofemr7e GodfoanugQe the thou not made an hedge worlc,of his hands, Job 1. 9, 1 c. The fecond Secondly, this fhewes, what manner of perfons all thoft life fer in- ought tobe, who call God father, namely, free and for- ßruaion. ward in doing good : fo we fhall refemble our heavenly father : which is enjoyned us. tÀ'fat. 5. 44, 55. Thiswas Chrif jefus hisproperty, whilehe was onearth, he went about doinggood, Alts 10.3 8. And it is commanded,and commended tous all, Epb. 5 . I. Befollowers ofGod as dear children, andwak,in love, Neb. 13.16. To doe good, and to communicate forget not. The fhff Ure Fcradmonition, it ferves threewayes. Firft,in the want for admont- of any good thi g to go to God by prayer,far he is thefa- un. ther of lights from whomallgood cometh, and for the obtat- ningthereof, with the ufe of lawful( means, joyn prayer to him that faith,ask and ye (hall have Mat. 7.7. But with- all n Expofi'tionof the 27. Pfalme. Verf.i 3.