Veda 3. .ifn Expofationofthe 27. Pfalme. 131 kind, and in temporali bleffngs very liberal!, even to the wicked : as we may fee, Pfal. 73. 3, 4, 5. &c. Thewicked haveproferity : there are no bands in their death , their tirength is firm, &c. Pfal. z 7. i 4. They have their porti- on in thisworld : their bellies God fillethwith hishid trea- fiire. Now all they have are but effeas and fruits of his common favour : what then do we think hathhe in flore for thofe whom he loves in Chrift ? Surely for themhehath a worthy dowry : as i Sam. z . 5. Confider, c.í*tat. 6.26. &c. thold thefoWles ofthe aye, for they foW not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barnes :yet your heavenlyfather feedeth them ; are not youmuchbetter then they? &c. when a gentleman keepeth hisdogs and his hogs, fat and faire, fhall we think he will fuller his children to flarve, for want offood and raiment ? Nay, nay, though deer parents may fometimes prove unnatural!, and a mother forget her fuck- ing child, yet will not God forget his children, If. 49.15. third e The Th The third thing to be noted here is this. Davidbelieved O The tion. that he íhould enjoy the goodneffe of the Lord in this world. Pfal. 116. 9,10. Iwill walkbefore the Lord,in the land ofthe living. I believed, therefore have I fpoken : and more plainly, 'Pfal. 23. i, 5,6. The Lord is myJhepheard,I fhall not lack, Thoupreparea table beforeme, in thepre- fenceofmine enemies : thou annointefl my head With ogle, my cup runneth over : Surely, goodneffe andmercy fhallfol- low meall the daies ofmy life. The reafon of thishis perfwafion was the goodneffe of The Reafon. God to David,bothmaking promifes of thefebleffings un- to David, and alfo enabling himby grace to reft and rely thereon, as he confeflèth unto God, Pfal. 119. 40. Re- member the Word unto thyfervant upon which thou haft cats- fedme tohope. The promifes ofGod to David, were two- fold : Firfi generali, which are good to all Godspeople, that be truly in covenant withGod,and makeconfcience of obedicnce : which are at large fet down, Levït.26. 3,4,&c. to 14. and Deut.28.1. &c. to z r . and fully, thoughbriefly, Pfal, 34.9. there is no want to thofe that fear him, Pfal. S3 37,