Verf. x3 . 11r Expofitl i ofthe27. Pfalme, above that which íhewes the truth and life thereof,as abuna danceofknow ledge,ftrong faith, fervent love, and the like: which high degrees of grace fomehave had, as Abraham,, Rom. 4. 19, 2o. the Centurion, Luke 7.9. and the woman ofCanaan. Mat z 5. 28. whereas the difciples themfelves were, for a good while, men of little faith. ttat. 6. 30., and 16. 8. and the Church of Philadelphia had a little l rength, Rev.3.8. Now the promifes of bleffings, emplyncceífaryto true happineffe, are made abfolutely in Chriil to true believers, without any other condition, as e/fas 16, z z. yohn 3. x 6. but thepromifes of bleílings,not limply neceffary to falvati- on, mull be underflood to be made with the exception of the crofie, which is this. That God, out of his foveraignty over his deareil children, may deny theaccomplifhment of thefe promifes, either for correction, or prevention offin, or tryall ofgrace,which well confidered prevents much per- plexity, and diftreffe in foule, to thofe, that labour to walk honeilly, and yet are more under the crone, then fome of Gods children be, with whom they live. For admonition, this ferves notably to flirreup every The life for one to get true faith : for every one defires toenjoy Gods admonition. goodneffe, many fay, who will thew a9,good ? Pfal. Now the way is to get faith, which entitles us to all Gods promife : and the right courfe herein is, to beginwith the main promife in Chrifl, toget that faith in him,which may intitle us to his righteoufnefe : for in him we are reflo- red to fanclified right in thecreature, and in him all things are ours, things prefent, and things to come. z Cor 3.21,22. All the promifes ofGod are in him, yea andin him amen. 2 Cor 1.2c. ThereforeChrift himfelf bidshis Difciples, Firft feek theKingdomeof JCcd andhis righteoufnef fe ; and thenall thefe things,pertaining tofood and raiment, fhall miniftred unto us, Mat. 6. z 3. For ifGod#arednot his oustfOnne,but gavehimfor us, howfhall henot With him give us all things alfo ? Rom.8.32. Now this truefaith, is never fevered from true repentance, nor new cledience : for by fight andfèr- 133 row