148 AnExpofationo f the 27. P fabme. Verf. 14, any other pipitunto you, then thatye have received, let him be accurfed. And our bided Saviour, about materiali du- ties, took the fame courfe, as we may fee inhis often repea- tedwoesagainit the Scribes and Pharifees, Mat 23. i 3,14, 15, 16. &c. and his prefling the duty of watching, on his Difciples, by this often repetition, c.A£ark..13. 33. 7' 3.7 eye heed : watch andpray. verfe 35. watchyee therefore. 37. what Ifay untoyou, Ifay untoall men, watch. The üfe for Secondly, this repetition of the duty,ihewing the impor- admonition. tance of it, muff ftirre upour diligence, in the confiant and confcionable ufe of fuch means, as God hath ordained for the a,tainingof this vertue. Which way and means is plain- ly prefcribed, in the ureofadmonition, where this duty is handled, in thebeginningoftheverfe. , TZ eW dba. DAVIDS