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% ,fin Expofition of the 84. Pfalme: The `Dedi. TheDedicationwas to the chief Mufician, orMater cation. of the Quier. For, i Cbron. 16. 4. `David ordereda Qiiier to fing thankefgiving,and penned Pfalmesfor that end, which he delivered to theMafter of the Quier, verf. 7. Oftheir ordering, fee i Chron. 25. i. 7. Vpon Gittith] Three Pfalmeshath this word Gittith in the title, viz. 8.8 i . 84. the meaning whereof is dif- ficult, being much controverted amongft interpreters. TheSeptuagiaat reads it ATP rrE y AE:v ir, pro tarcularibm : tuthymius which the a ancients Allegorizing expound ofparticular Au u(t. íp Churches, where Chrift is thevine, believers are bran- chPfaL 3. es, and faithand other graces are grapes, which yield that wine, which cheereth God and man, Iudg. 9.13. Others following the î z. yet referre it to the time of vintage thus celebrated. 112. The Chaldee Paraphrafl b takes it for a muficall in- /11'141 ftrument, hich 'Davidbrought fromGat!), where he tP remained in his exile from Saul with KingeArchi (h. Rabbi `DavidKimhi, takes it to note and fignifie, that this Pfalmewas penned by David in the forefaid Bath. Alfo a Cityof the Levites was called Cath-Rimmon, lo/h. 21.25. whereonObed Edom the Levite is called the Gittite, 2 Sam. 6. ro. and fo by Gittithhere may be meant, either fuch inftruments as was ufed by ObedE- dam: pofterity the Cittite, or that there Pfalmes were made upon occafion of tranfporting the Ark from Ki- riath-learim to Ierufalem, namely theeight, when it was brought to the houfe of Obed Edam, the Si. upon the death of Vzza, the 84. when it was brought to Zi- 8111. It is molt probable it was a muficall Inftrument. The le% to beRood upon, becaufe this mufick was typicall , and in their time the inftrumentsof God, t Chron. i 6. 42. but now, asJohn4.21.23. Ye (hall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Hierufalem worship the Father : but the trueworthipper shall worship the father in fpirit and