Pierson - BS1429 P53 1647

Verf. I. Éxpof%tideofthe$4. Pfall, g The property afcribedto thisplace is lovely or an*, Yerva- Me,that is, loch as &r wes the bat' a#f ipi OfOwIe 'into it. Here then note two points ; one taken for grate; the other purpofely inteuded. The point taken for gran- ted is, That Godhath his Tabernacles or dwelling pla- ces, . wherehe doth in fpeciall mariner abide amgi3g b# people : fo as 'wee may fay, The Tabernacle ofGod is with men, and he will dwell with then, Rev. 21.3. Un- der theLaw he had a materiali building,called the. Ta- bernacle of the Congregation, erefted by ,1l'ofes at his appointment, Exod. 25.8. and49. 3¡4,. 35. .which placq was movegble,and. continued for GodswfIblP' tU !God had given reff unto hispeople .roundallot, á caufed Soloman tobuild him a Temple, 1 King:r fii.- , ;r Vnder the Gofpell he hath a fpirituall; building, i Pet: z. 5. Ye, as lively cones, are built up a fpirituall llgp4e, whofe.hoúfe are we fpeaking of ,'all`.tiw f ith 1, gt believe in God through Çhrifl, H 3r;6, Nvl ,r,1, Templeofthe living God, inwhoahew4 ,, ,: : 3> ¡6. whether weconceive them joyntly:airogetho ; :?pb, 2.21. or divided into particular holy affemblies, M tth. a8.20. orp erfonally confider :xi, i cor, 3.16, X7114 6. =19. ,. The reafon,hereof is two=fold : eieeiter e- The i, rea, vidence ofhis efpeciall favourand refpefttwo theca a- for. bove'all the people of.tbk world : forfthewholetworl4jj his, and the fulneffe thereof, Pfal. 24,, x. yet ,ne.,çatl fay, but the Church who ate,,his ,by covenant, thatGod doth4wdlatno g them. Secondly, for the better`aífnringofAll thebleffingof The 2. rea. the Covenant to thofe that be lais.people. For God in fon. Chriff is the true fountain of all good -things : an4 iis dwellinginong them, in that manse ,t h+he diditTia* nifec inhit;T b rna , gave plainevidencilxf4ip: r a » neflevicommunicatehiptoodneffe unto them,. ccor4ing toall that_he,had promiifed in his .Covenant. Trhis..wiW Bb 2 appear