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-L6 Expofition ofthe 84. Pfalme. \Ter% i place, for theprefence, favour, andgrace of God, there to beenjoyed aftera fpeciall manner.The world doth account Godschildren, for theirzeal in following the preaching of theWord, brain-lick perfons, giddy-headed, and fuch like. But the truth is, thefe cenfürers ( like forry Phyfitians, )1.40-1 ?ob. T3. 4.) miftake the placeaífef ed (as F(film didof Paul, AE s 26. 24. ) theyare lick indeed, yet not brain-lick, but heart-lick , lick of love , as (ant. 5.8. '3K t °1hrw after Chrift. Whereof they need not tobeafhamed , for God the father loves them , and Chrift all() , roh. 14. 21. Now it is no newes that thofe that are in love fhould frequent the places, where they maymeet with their beloved. For admonition it ferves profitably two ways. Firff, to thofe that can fee no lovelineffe in Gods Tabernacles among us, can take no delight or pleafure in the affemblies of Godspeople for his holy worlhip. Confider thine eftate, forcertainly as.yet thou haft not Davids heart, and hewas aman according to Gods own heart , Ás 13. z2. Such are, firft, reculant Papifts, fecondly, prophanecontemners, ofbothwhom we may fay, as cA'lauh. II 16, &c. Where- lentofhall I liken this Generation, &c. Thefe have no heart for God , that are weary of his worlhip. SeeMal. I. 13. Amos 8. 5. It is not the May-pole dance that will draw recufants : the dance about the golden Calf would draw them all, Exod. 3 2.6, 19. jeroboams Calves at Dan and Bethel they like well,. i Kings I2.28, 29. and to fet their pofts by theLords, as Ezek, 4,3. 8. But wifedome is juftified ofher children, Matth. I 1. 19. Thefe men profef- fing themíelves to be wife become fools: fee Rom. I. 22, 23, .24. Markwell , till thou haft anheart for Godsworlhip thouhaft no foul fit for heaven. How canLt thoube a pillar inGods houfe and never brought to the framing place ? In the materiall Temple there were three places: fo publike affemblies are for regeneration and glory. For motives, think.on7h. 3.5 . Except a man bee born of water andof sheÿ)irit, he cannot enter into the kngdomeofGod.. Second,. Tefe. 3.