2 0 AnExpofition of the 84. Pfalene. Vert. 2. give tef}imony to them as he did toDavid, Ihavefound Davidthefonne ofIefe, a man after mine owne heart, eifls 13. 22. of them it may be fa id, as Mat. 13. 16. Blefed are your eyes, for theyfee, andyour Bares, for they 'mare, and as Mat. r 6. 17. Bided art thou Simon Bar-Iona, for flefh andbloodhath not reveiledit unto thee, but myfather which isin heaven. tJLty heart and my flesh cryethout for the living Clod.] The fecond fentence, declaringDavids vehement de(re af- ter the trueGod, here called the living God : Hee names bothheart and flelh to íhew the truth of his affe&ion, as it wasconceived in his foule, fo it was exprelfed and mani- fell in his body, in voyce and gefl:ure, looking towards it and cryingout for it : fo the word is tranfiated , Prov. I. 2o. Wifedome cryeth without, fhe utterethher voyce in the fireets, Lam. 2. 19. ,4rife, cry out in the night, Pfàl. 17.6. I have calledupon thee, Pf. 78.65. Like amighty man that fhouteth. Here note the defcription ofGod, and Davids affeIion towards him. For thefirft, The true God is the livingGod : So Pfal. 42.2. Ier. tc. i o. and in other places : For the better un- derflanding whereof wee mull confider, firft in generali what the life ofGod is, and then more particularly, what thofe fpeciall properties are, wherebyGod íhewes himfeff indeed to be a livingGod. For the firft, the lifeof God is an eí%ntiall property of thedivine nature, whereby it is, and is conceivedof us to be, in perpettiall ac`fion, living and moving in it felfe and of it felfe. To give a reafon hereofa priori, by wayof cau- fality, it is impoffible; but a pofteriori,or from the efiec`f, we may argue thus : If God had not life in himfelfe, hee couldnot givy lifeand being untoof her things. But inhim we liv:, We move, and haveour being : yea, hegiveth unto all life and breath andall things, Alts 17. 28. 25. There- fore he is a living God. whereby God For the fecond, the fpeciall properties, fhewes rts 2.Obferva- tion. Ileafon I.