Verf. 2 . AfsExpofitionofthe 84. Pfalme 21 (heaves himfelfe indeed to be a living God, are three, his wifdome, his power, and hiswill. His wifedome, whereby in and ofhimfelfhe dothknow both him felf, an4all things elfe,bothuniverfall and particular,that eitherhauebeen,are, or (hall be, yea that might havebeen or may be : His pow- er, whereby he effectually dothwhatfoever he will, and is able to doe whatfoever he can will, both how, and when, and where he will : His will, whereby he doth, moft free- ly and juftly, by one eternal! immutable act, will his owne glory, as the end of:all things, and all things elle, as the meanes of that end : Hee that bath thefe properties, and Reafon 2. exercifeth thefe effects of life, muff} needs bee a living God, whichconfideration mayferve for a fecond reafon of thepoint. By wayofufe, it ferves for inftru&ion,..admonition and comfort. For inftruetion, it ferves to diftinguifh.between the true Tire I , God and idols : That which livesnot at all, or lives not of it felfe,cannot be God;thisufe the Prophet Jeremiah makes ofit, Ier. i o. to. and the Apoátle Barnabas and.Paul,Aas 14. 15. and I Theft. 1.9. For admonition, to theend, wemay have the like affe Tire a. }ion towards God as Davidhad, wemuff imitatehim in his efteem ofGod, and labour tohave our hearts well fet- led in this perfwafion, that the true God is indeed a living God. Otherwife, as hewere not worth the cryingafter, fowolf it not be eafie to induce us to it : For were henot a living God, how loud foever we fhould cry , hee could not heare, and then we might conceive it as good to befi- lent, a deaf God anda dumb Religion may dowell enough together. But (as the ,Pfalmift intimates,.(Pf, 65.2. whenhe faith, Thou art the God that heareftprayer, unto theefhall allflefl, come) hope ofaudience is that which oneneth the mouth of invocation : For how fhall they callon him in whoa they havenot believed ? Rom. to. 14. and hew !hall men believe in any but a living-God? what good. can a.dead god:doe them ? For: