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nExpofitioI ofthe 84. Pfalme. Verf. 3 fires, until! theyattain to filch an height of fervencSy, .. that he cannot reff for them, as thephrafe is by the Prophet I - faiah,If. 6z. 6,.7. The effeauall fervent prayerofa righ- teous man availeth much, ram. 5.16. 1 eruency makes much to the efficacyofdelires amongft men, much more withGod ; as our Saviour flames plainly in the Parableof the importunate widdow and the unjuf} judge, Lune i 8. I, ej-c. Towearymen is but a fmall thing in comparifonof wearyingGod,.If: 7. i 3. Ifwe walke after the Lord, as Hor.i a. io. weare never fo like to overtake him as when we havewearied him Amemorable example to this pur- pofe we have in the womanofCanaan, cafat. i 5. ai. arc, who, as iffhehad meant to try mafteries withour Saviour, wreffled firft with hishence by her importunity, crying af- terhim fo, that his Difciples befought him to fendher a- way, and thenwithhis fpeechby her faith,making fuch ad- vantage of his arguments againff her, for her own behoof,. that with reverence wemay fay the got the better of him , and went awaywith an ample commendation, and grant ofher delire to the full. Verf 3. Verte 3. Tea, thefarrow heathfoundher an houle, and the fwailow a net for her felfe, where fhee may lay her young, thine altars, O Lordof hafts, my Kingandmy ' God. Aving in the firft verfe by wayof admiration ac- 1. unto God the lovelineffe ofhisTaberna- cle, theplace Bofhis holy worfhip, and in the fec'ond veri- fyed thefame,by difcovering his own ardent'affeaion, firs}, to the placeof Godsholy worship, then to God himfelfe for whofe fake he foaífeéed the place : in this third he pro- èeedeth in the former difcovery of his hearts defre to- wardsthe place ofGods worlhip, by debatinghis prefent eilate, as wotfe then the conditionof the Sparrow and *tillvw, thtlonewhereof ,findsher an:houfe, the other a whereThe may layher young ; but hewanted liberty of