2s .A'n Expofitionofthe 84. Pfalte. Verf.3: Lord his God, he meanes not onelyby creation and prefer- vatiòn in generali , but alfo by fpeciall covenant , wherein God requiring faith and obedience of his creatures , doth undertake to afford unto them all the blefiìngs of thecove- nant, as well pertaining to this life , as to the life to come : feeExod. 23. 22. `Deut. 3o, i 5,19. 3.Obferva- Hereòbferve , that David a King acknowledgeth God tion. tobe his King ; as likewife he doth , Pfad. 5.2. So that God is KingofKings, Dan. 2.47. N,ebuchadnezzar con- feffeth it ; Ufa truth it is, that your God is a Godofgods and a LordofKings. Reafon. The reafon is, becaufe he hath the rule and command o- ver Kings, asKings have over their fubjec`}s. Vfe. r. This ferves for admonition. Firft to fuperiours,dire&ing them to ufe equitie, juftice, and confcience, in all their .deal- ings with their inferiours, for they themfelves have a lbpe- riour in heaven. By this argument the Apoftle perfwades Mafters toufe moderation towards their fervants, Eph. 6. 9. And if this were thought upon, it would prevent negli- gence and injuftice, thebane offuperiority. Oft,. 2 Secondly, to inferiours , direìing them to obey theirfu- periours, not abfolutely, but in the Lord. So in a family fervants obey the steward, not against the will of the Lord when they know it. Hence,that of Shadrach, Mefhackand Abednego,Dan.3.16,17,18.and that ofthe Apoftles, Ails 4. 19. and 5. 29. Vfe 3. Thirdly to all, teaching us humility and reverence in eve- ry action of worfhip we perform to God. How domen carry themfelves inpetitioning unto their King ? They put rip their petitions on their knees. What then are we , that we fhould not bow to the.Kingof Kings ? Confider, 'Pfd. 95, 6. children asking blefhngkneel to their bodilyfathers how much more fhould we to the father of fpirits ? And reafon to that purpofe as theApoftle doth, for patient fil- teringof correction, Hebr. 12. 9. For howfoever kneeling tié ndt ofbfolute neetilitieii yet .humility ingeftire is ne- effary. Verf. 4.