3a ínExpofitionof the 84. Pfalme. Ver{: 4, PYcat. Junius. ufed that phrafe praying for himfelf, PI: 27. 4. which I fay, becaufe force Interpreters would limit the firft branch to the Priefts and Levites3but the 15 Pfalme clothenlarge the benefit to all thegodly. i. Obferva- The thing then to beobferved in the firft branchof the tion. verfe is this ; that the true Members of Gods Church, who have the comfort and libertyof Gods holy worfhip and fervice , are bleffed and happy. See Pfa1, 65.4. Bleffed is the manwhom thou choofefl-, and caufeFt to approach unto thee, that hemay dwell in thy Courts. Hence it followes , verfe I o. A day in thy Courts is better then a thoufand. I had rather bea door-keeper in the houfe of my God, then to dtVellin the tents cfwickedneffe. Reafon. The reafon hereof is, from the wonderfull,rare,heaven- ly blefl!îngs , which are here certainly enjoyed , by the true Members of the Church, and no where elfe. Whereof the firft and principali, fromwhich all the reit do flowe, is the fruition ofcommunion and fellowfhip with the true God, one in effence, three in perfon ; the Father, theSonne, and the Holy Ghost : who is onely in his Church to the true members thereof a God of grace and mercy : and there- fore they that are out of the Church , arewithout God in the world, Eph. 2. a z. Here thefirft perfon , is the father ofmercies, and Godof all confolation, 2 Cor. I. 3. the fecond perfon is a blefled Saviour and Redeemer, Ifa. 9.6. unto us a childe is born, unto us a Sonne is given , a Saviour, Luk; 2. I o, I'. with Ifa. 49.6, S. the holy Ghoft is the bleffed fanetifíter , andcomforter, being the fpirit ofgrace, Zech. 12.1o. yet onely in his Church, ?oh. 14. 17. Now this true God is in his Church, to all the true members thereof , not onely a Matter, farre excelling Solomon , of whom the Xueen ofSheba teftifies, that hisfervants were bleffed, i King.zo.8. with Mat. 1 2.42. and fuch a Matter as faith, where I am, therefhall alfo my fervant be, ?oh. 12. s6. withLuk; 12. 37, 43, 44 but a father, Math. 23.9. 7oh. 20.17. Yea, an husband , Ifa. 54.5. Thy Maker is thinehusband, and Ifa.62.4,5. Thy land íhall bemarried. As