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fr!'e.1. Pfe 20 Rhein. on Rom. 3 22. b Conc. Trid. 5c11:6.can.ao. n Expofitionofthe S4. Pfal»ae. Vert. 4. attendanceofAngels, Tfal. 34.7. Pfal. 9 r,z 1. andhere- after, (Max./5.z . 23. Luke 19. 17, &c. Aìrt.19.28,29. Is it fucha bleffing to dwell in Gods houfe ? then it is a great curieto dwell out ofit : for fo they fhould be de. privedofall the forenamedblellings : This made David to fay, Woe ùme that Ifojonr ie inMe jheTch, that Idwell in the tents ofKedar, Pfal. 12c. 5. and z Sam. 26. 19. If they be the childrenofmen, curfedbe they before the Lord': for they have drivenme out thisday from abiding in the inheritance of the Lord, Paying, Goe,ferve other Gods. The ancient re; femblance of Gods Church toNoahs Rrke is true, and ft . for thisplace. Secondly, wee muft examine whether wee be filch as dwell in Godshoule, as truemembers ofthe Church : and fuch onely are true believers in Chrift for noman cometh to the Father but by him , John ; 4. 6. Whereby will bee excluded all Gentiles , who are without Chrilt, E- phefian.r2. 12. and Turkes and jewel, who though they acknowledge the God that made theworld, and brought Ifraelout ofEgypt,yet not believing Chrift Jefus the foil of the VirginC/Wary, to be the fonneof God and faviour of the world, theyJhall dye in theirJinnes, John&24. Luke 13..28. Yea, befides them Papiíts holding the Do9rine efta- blifhed in the Councell of Trent, who do not only a de- ride, but b accufe the Doc`}rine of juf}.ification by imputed righteoufneffe, will be found Ifmaelites, the fonnes of the bondwoman , fuch as muft be put out ofthehoufe, Gal. 4. 1.3o.and fuchguests aswant the wedding garment,which is Chri.fts righteoufneffe imputedand received by faith.; fee Cor. 5. 20. Rev, 3.18. Our white rayment to:cover our filthynakedneffe offin mutt behad ofChríl} alfo by their Idolatry they hold not the head , Col. 2. -18, 19: Al- fo they, that profeffe the truth, and yet content them, - felves with a dead faith, are not dwellers in Gods houfe; that is,fuchas havealhew of godlineffe;butwant the pow,. thcreof,,a Tìrn. 3. 5A who profeffe they knowGod, but by