Pierson - BS1429 P53 1647

Verf 5 . AnExpbftropofthe 84. Pfalme. ty, which the Lord requireth at his hands. And thus un derftanding the words, the point is cleer to beobferved: That man is in a bleffed and happy ref}ate, 'whole ftrength is in the Lord ; that is, who trufteth not o himfelf, or to any other perfon or thing ; for his fafety from evillsand ability to do well, but only on theLord his God,on whom he refteth , and refteth by true faith and confidence, fee Proverbs i 6. 2e. Who fo trufteth in the Lord is happy and Ter. 17. 7, 8. Bleffed is the man that trufteth in the Lord, Pfal. I25. I. I46. 5. Happy is he that bath the God of?aco/for his helpe. The reafons are : Firft,, no man is or can be ftrong by Rea 'on Io his owne power : This is true both in things per- taining to the body, Dent. 8. 17, 18. and to the foule, ?ohn .15.5. Secondly, no enemy (hall be able to hurt him that is Rea¡on 2. ftrong in the Lord. This is true both for corporali and fpi- rituali enemies : For corporal], fee Pfal. 89.21, 2 2. With Whommine hand '.hall bee eftablifhed, minearme alfo Jhall fi'renfrthen him. The enemy ¡hall not exai 1 upon,"him, no the fonneofwickedneffe afflic`thim,.23. Iwill beate downe his foes before his face. Fence Pfalme 3. 6. I Will not be afraid of ten thoufands of people , that have fet them- felvesagainft me round about, and Pfal. 27. I, 2, 3. The Lord is my light andmy.falvation whomfhalllfeare.?&c. jet-. 30. I I. Thirdly, no work norduty, which God requires at his Rea hand, (hall-be hard forhimwho is wrong in the Lord,. fee J4'45. 2 Cor. 3. 5. and 12. I o. Phil. 4.12,,13.. This ferves for inflruion, admonition and comfort. For inllrw?cion : Firfl, in the way to true happineífe it Rands not in any outward thing , as naturali men Vfe i.. thinke, but in the fruition of the true God , for he is the chiefeft good, whomfoever enjoyes can lack nothing that is good ; for bee is allin all to thofe that are his : .r1! Hence Pfalme. 33. 12. Bleed is the nation whofe god is the Lord , and the people whom hee bath chofen for his