nExpofitionofthe 84. Pfalme. VetC.S his owne inheritance, Gen. 15. i . Fearenot Abraham, Iam thyfbield, and thy exceedinggreat reward : and 17. T. I am theAlmightyCod, wake. before mee, andbe perfect. Hence .god 31. t 5.19. If tby prefertcegoe not with me, Carr) :u not up hence, &c. Hecommunicates his goodneffe to thofethat enjoy him, as 2 Chron. 16. 9. PJaime 28. 8. Hence Ter. 9. 23, 24. Let not the wife man glory in his Wifedome , &c. Ufe. 2. Secondly, feehere whobe miferable andaccurfed,name- ly, all fuch as arenot strong in the Lord, but in themfelves, orfomething betide the Lord : See Ter. 17.5. Curled bee the man that truffeth in man, and ;naketh flefh his arme, whofe heart departethfrom the Lord : Now fuch are many as well forearthly as forheavenly things. For earthly all fuch as ufe unlawfull means to procure earthly blefíings, as lying, fraud, stealing, oppreßion, &c. Can thefe fay as Pf 44.3. thy right hand and thine arme, &c. Nay as z Kings 21, 19. Haft thou ki Iledand adfo taken poffeffîon, &c. And for heavenly, they that trust to their owne righteonfneffe, as Papifts doe, the Jewes did, Rom. so. 3. Vfe 3. Thirdly, this Ihould admonifhus to be as careful! to be Prong in theLord as we are defirous to be truly happy : for the man isbleffed whofe ftrength is in him. To this end wee must give all diligence for three things : First, that weyftand truly in covenant with God in Chris}, which is by believing on him, fePfal. 125. i. Secondly, that we be upright hearted, dealing truly and lincerely withhim inour profeffìon, 2 Chron. 16.9. Thirdly, that we beconstant in obedience. 2 Chron i 5, 2. Pfal. 8r. z3. Fourthly, this ferves forcomfort to the upright-hearted Vfe. 4' trusting inGod, and walking in obedience, fee Pfal. 91.t. Lct filch affure themfelves the Lord will be their strength : fee Pfat.68.28.3 5. Pfal.a 8.6,7. They may fay as Pf:3.6.