Verf5; i Expofitiohofthe 84. Pfalme. and 27. I, 2, 3. The Lord is my light and my falvation, whom ,(ball Ifear ? The Lord is the ftrengthof my life , of Whom /hall I beafraid Thehigh sayer arein their heart J Here the fecondpro- perty ofthofe that arc Gods truepeople is expreifed, they do fincerelyand truly affen theholy worlbip of God , as is manifest by their behaviour in three branches : Firfi, the wayes to Gods houfe are in their heart , that is , they love and like , and in heart delire and delight in theways that lead toGodshoule. They that be truly Gods people , have their hearts let 2 Obferva- upon theway andmeans ofGodsworship, fee Ppd. t za,t. tion. Pfalm z6. 8. Becaufe by thofe ways , they cometo enjoy theprefence Reafon. ofGod , fociety and fellowfhip withhim in whom they place all their happineífe. This fervesfirst to let us fee what wemay think of thofe, oft z. that have no lovenor liking to theways ofGods houfe, but think it is a wearineffe, as Mal. t. 13. that fay ofthe Lords day, as e4mos 8. 5. whenWill it begone ? Andoftheword and worfhipof God , as ?ob 21. 14. Depart from zu : we defirenot the knowledge of his wayes. Certainly three are in a curled cstate , as Atis13 Elymas theSorcerer was ; fee As 19.9. Secondly, it is a matter of great comfort to thofe that Vfe . delire and delight in the meanes wherein theymay have fo- cietywith God inChrist : Surely flefh and bloudhathnot revealed it unto them , Matth. Y6. 17. Let theft confider, .Cube ti. 22. Thirdly , it is a good caveat to labour with our felves, Vfe 3. that thewayes to Godshoule may be in our hearts , that we may delire d delight in them, love and like them. Now as we have anotherTabernacle andSanc uary, which is Christ jefus. Hebr. 8. 2. fo our ways are not materiali but fpirituall , whichwe mull love and minde : andthat is theEvangelical/ worfhip, by whichwecome tohave facie- tie and fellowthip with God : SeeAlts 2,4. 14. and s9.9: F f This 39,