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1%CS z Sam. 5, a;, 24. Or, t Chron. 14.14315. iiIlri/r» ExpofLion ofthe 84. Pfatene. Veri. 6. This is called theLords high-way, Ifa. 3 y 8. "111,02 and tt. i6, and49. ti, and 4o. 3, and 19. 1.3, and 62. io. Ter, 31. 21. Verf. 6. They going through the valley of Baca mare it ct Well : even with blefngs Aall theraincover. THe fecond evidence of Gods peoples fncere and ear- deft afiettion towards his holy worfhip : they do cou- ragioully and comfortably endure and break through all difficulties and troubles in the way. That we may conceive fo much by the words , we muff know that the word Baca fignifietha Mulberry tree,which loves to grow in dry places that be fandy and barren : Now theywhofehearts be fet upon Gods houle and holywor- fhip, when theygo thitherward through a fandy, dry, bar- renvalley, do make it a well, that is, repute and count it as a well : the word fignifieth to put or fet , as Gen 3. 15. Pfal. 21.6,12. Pfal. 83. rr, r 3. For thus will they faywith ¿hemfelves, thinkingupon the comfort of Gods favour to whom they go , that it (hall be to them as the rain of bief- fìngs, a plentiful) and liberali rain upon the dry gtound:Or, as Tremellius, and ?unius, Wilcock!, d-c. whom alto the rain ofblelïng fallethmuch upon , that is, they fometime endure the trouble of theway, when abundanceof rain fat_ leth upon them, If we follow our own tranflation, the rainalfo filleth the pools, that is, where fprings are not, the people dig, and make pits and places to receive rainwater, and therewith refresh themfelves in their way toSion: thotigh I molt enclineto the firlt of them. The 7o Inter- preters, + c 714' - xoiAc5 t rauob,ct óve- , +c=+S 7*v 7%tity ov i9fm. In the valley of teares, in theplace whichhe hath fet xca vo 8'wv : for the Law-giver íhali ,give aMelling. The Chaldee Paraphraf},Peccatores autem anPutit inprofu duln gehenna planc`7uma plangent , ficsst iOteesin pa*?it iflii7 : htytsi benedittione ariicientur qui in= j4 imr, `tit tlfort ?egem tsram. In