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Verb`. 6. -4n Expofition of the 84. Pfalme. 41 In the words note twopoints : Fiat, what manner of z Obferva- way force of Gods peoplehad to go to thepublike folemn tio4, worfhip of God : fecondly, how the godly deemed of it; and cheer up themfelves in it. For theway,it was thevalley of Baca, that is, ofMulberry trees, and fo dry, and barren, and Tandy, which is very wearifome : Tome fay the valeof mifery , others valeoftearer, ofweeping : all import pain- full and troublefome way. Rearerr. The reafon was the providence and ordinance of God his providence in their fituationby lot, for fo 7ofhuah divi- ded the land to Godspeople , 761:1432. and his ordinance inappointing them tocome to that place , whichhe fhould choofe, Deut. t 2. 5. which was t erufalem, Mount Sion. See then here, that God in his providence may difpofe V[e fo of the eflate ofhis children , that it fhall be troublefome and painful! for them to go to the place of Gods publike and folemn worfhip : fo it was to thofe that dwelt farre from 7erufalem , in the latterend of the dayes of David; and afterward. And fohe dealt upon his foveraigntie to teach them, and all after them,that there is but one Chriák, inwhom wecancome to the father, yohn14.6. for parta- kingofwhom, hemay in his providence difpofethat it may be farre more troublefome and painfull for force then o- thers, as it was among the Jews , for partaking ofhis fpe- cial! worfhip : which we murk take notice of toacknow- ledge Gods foveraignty over usand our date , as ?An2t, 22, with t 8. as alfo lob. 21. 23, 25 In the fecond place , obfervehow thegodly deal about z 01,er°va- the troubles ofthe way unto Gods foleton worfhip, they tion, put it for awell : now in thofe countries, wells werecheer- full and refrefhing places , ?udQes t. 15. So as the godly among the Jewes, eíteemed the troublefome and pain- ful! way to Gods folemne worfhip , pleafant and .cheer- full. , The reafon was , the great delire theyhadunto the fer- Recfon vice ofGod , and the true delight they took therein : this made the wearifome way feem pleating. They looeedat F 2 the