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42 4nExpofitionofthe 84. Pfalnae. Verf 6. thecomfort they fhould enjoy in theprefence ofGod, and therewith refrefhed themfelves againft the wearifomnefíe ofthe way : as yacob wasaffeftcd withhis feven years fer- vicefor Rachel, Gen. 29. 20. This ferves for inftrttftion, admonition, and comfort. For inftruEtion two wayes : Firít, fee here the power and arengthof thegraceof love to God , and to his holy worfhip : neither paines nor coft can hand before it : See Cant. 8. 7. Many waters cannot quench love. For paines here we fee it : and for colt in David , 2 Samuel 24.24. t Chron. 29. 3,4. Nay it breaks through worldly credit and elteem, which is a strung let , as yohn 12. 42. Yet Luke t 9. 2, 3,4. we fee it had little force in Zaccheus, and in David, 2 Sam. 6, 20, 21)22. Secondly,feehere what to think ofour felves and others, when cafe, pleafure, and worldly profit or repute, will hin- der from Gods fervice : Can wee fay they are bleflèd ? SaiLt thou a Lion is in the way ? Then art thou Solomons fimpleone, whom cafe[layeth, Troy. t. 3z. and t3. 4. and 20.4. So Prov. a4. to. If thoufaint in theday of adver- t :tie , thyftrength is fmall. Confider Matth. 12. 42. and II. 22, 23. For admonition : labour to come to this abilitie of grace in the high elleem of Gods worfhip. For which end know, that it is theordinary way andmeanes offocietie with God. For comfort to thofe that have this affeftion : to them it maybe faid , as Matth. f 3.16. Bleffed are your eyes for theyfee, andyour earsfor they hear. Evenwith blefngs (hall the rain cover : Or, the rain of Wings fhall even cover.] This tranflation I take tobe moll proper, and agreeable to the words and matter in band. In thefewords theProphet propounds thevery thought andmeditationofthe godly goingup to Gods worfhip , ?whereby they doe cheere up their hearts againft the weary- AeifeOf the dry andhot fandyway : They fay thus within them: 7Jfe e Vfe 3.