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Verf.6. RÑExpofition ofthe 84. Pfalme: themfelves in their greateft wearinef e, The raineofblefrng fhallevencover : thinking upon thegrace and favour,which God fhowreth downe upon his fervantsin his holy wor- fhip, which as comfortably and fweetly refrefheth their foules inany wearineífe, as a pléntifull rain doth the dry ground : For the better conceivingwhereofwe muff know that it is ufuall withGod in Scripture to refemble the fweet comfort ofhis graceand favour vouchfafed to the foules of hisfervants in his holy worfhip to the fweet refrefhing that rain and fhowers give to thedry ground ; fee Deut. 32, 2. (MyDoEtrine fhall drop a the raine, mygmech fhalldi(lill as thedew;as thefmall raine upon the tender herbe, and as the fhowresupon thegraf e, Pfalme 72.6. He [that is, Chrift inhis do&rine, as the truth,and alto Solomon, as thetype,in hiswifeand righteous judgment] (hall come downas rain upon the mowen grafle,& as íhowers thedifperfedmoifture of theearth, Hof. 6.3. He fhall come to us as the raine, as the latter andformer raineupon theearth. Nomarvaile then if the godly do in fuch phrafe and words expreffe their thoughts and meditations upon Gods grace and favour vouchfafed to his children in his holyworfhip, efpecially in the timeof their bodilywearineífe through heat &drought in a fandyway. Now then thus taking the words ofthe Prophet, to ex- preffe the thoughts ofthegodly in their wearifomeway, to be fet uponthe comfort ofGodsgrace and (favour, where- With in his holy worfhip, hee plentifully refreiheth their foules, as a plentiful) raindoth thedry ground, in themwe may plainlynoteandobferve three things ; two expreffed, and the`third neceffarily implyed : The two things here ex- Preffed are, &ít, their gracious thoughts and meditations in their wearifome way : fecondly, theefteemand accompt they make ofGodsgraceand favour : The thing implyed or prefuppofed is themeans and place wherein they make account to enjoy the fame:. . Forthe firm, The godly Jewesthat dwelt farfrom 7e- 3.Obferva, Yofalemlin theirwearifome way toSion,do fet their hearts tion. Ff3 to 43