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44 ßsß Expofitionofthe 84. Pfalme. Verf.6. to think upon the fweet andplentifuli refrefhingof Gods graceand favour, which íhallbe fhowred upon their foules in his holyworfhip:We are now,faythcy,parched and fcor- ehedwith heat in thisdry and barren wilderneffe,but when tvccome before theLord,öur foules (hail be plentifully re- frefhedwith the fhowring downof his grace, we (hail be fatisfied wich the goodneffe ofhis houfe, evenofhis holy Temple, Pfal. 6 > . 4. Reafon. This they do to ftrengthen and hearten themfelves, to endure the toyleand paines oftheir wearifome way, even as innature Merchants do hearten themfelves by the hope ofgain, toendure the toyle and terrourof the troublefome Seas; andhusbandmen, by thehopeof harveft, do readily undertake the labour offeed-time. This ferves for inftruc`tion, admonition, and comfort. For inftruftion two wayes : Firft, it lets us fee plainly Vfe. I theright way to found comfort, and fo to true patience in anyoutward diftreffe, orbodily mifery ( which is a great matter toGods children, who through manifold tribula- tions mt enter into the Kingdomeof heaven, At-is 14. 22.) namely, to bring the heart to feel, and feed upon, Gods fpirituall and heavenly bleliîngs and graces, whichbe contrary to our mifery; as in worldlypoverty and want, to fet thy meditation upon the heavenly treafure, and ri- ches of Godsgrace in Chrift,Mat. 6. zo.Col.I.27. where- by the pooreft in the world mayby true faith be made rich toGod,yam.2.5. for by it thou purchafeft the field where- in the treafure is hid, ciVtat. 13. 44, 45, and buyeft the pearle of price, and fo art rich to God, large 12.21. So in imprifonment ofbody, by faithto meditate on our Chri- ftian liberty, andenlargement from fpirituall bondage by Chrift Jefus : In banifhment and exilefrom our friends and country onearth, tomeditate upon our heavenlyhome,and confider that our heavenly father is with us leading us, Pf. 107. ,4.7. Inbondage to hard matters, to remember we are Chrifts free-men, i Cor. 7.2z. In danger, to remember Gods pretence and providence,Pfal. 118. 6, 7. In fck- neíle