Verf. 6. An Expofitionofthe 84. Pfalme. 45 neffe, tomeditate on thehealth ofthe foule, in the pardon of fin in Chrifl;, as Mat. 9.2. In blindnef c, to meditate on the fpirituall light, and fight of grace, which Chrif gives, Luke 4 18. Yea, in death it felt,either natural! or violent, both which be the loflè of life, tomeditate uponour fpiri- tuall life in grace, and ofeternall life hid with Chrift in God, Col. 3.4. And fo for any worldlywant, or hurt,or loffe, we may fee there is a fpirituall and heavenly fupply, Mat. 19. 29. Luke i 8.29, 30. Thus we flail fee Gods fer- vants have done in former times, Abraham, Ifaac, and ya- cob, Reb. t r. 8, 9. by faith they fojourned in the land of promifeas in a ftrange country, looking for aCity, whofe builder and maker isGod. Thus ?ob did in his lofies confider Gods providence and hand,yob 1.22.1nd in deepeft diftrefemeditates on the refur- reltion to life, Job i 9. i9, 20, 21, 25. Thus did David, `Pf. 27. 13. I hadfaintedunlef fe Ihadbelieved to fee thegood- neffeof theLord in the landofthe living: And hereupon in dìftreffehe firs uphis foule to wait upon God, Pfal. 42.1T. Pfal. 43. S . and prayes to God, as Pfal. u6. 3, 4 Thefor- rower ofdeathcompafedme, thepaines ofhellgate hold upon me ; Then calledI upon the name ofthe Lord, yea he faith, Pfal. 94.19. In the multitude ofmy thoughts within me,thy comforts delight myfoule, and Pf 23. 4. Though I Wake through the valleyofthe fadowofdeath, Iwill feare none e- vill, for thou art with me, thy rod andthy f afe comfort me: Therefore fee, Zech. II. 7. Thus did the godly under the perfecution of Antiochua. Heb. I I. 35. 2. Aviae. 7. 7. Thus didPaul, 2 Cor. 4. t6,17, i 8. and chap. 5.i. yea, the fon ofGod inour nature did thus, FIeb. i2.2. Secondly, this lets usfee the true reafon or ground of thedifferent behaviour and carriage of Gods children from natural! men, in two things : Firft, in times ofdanger,wherein the righteous arebold as a Lyon, but thewicked flee when nonepurfueth, Prov. 28.1. As we may fee in Davidat `Ziklag, 1 Sam. 30. 6. andNabal hearingofa danger pail, I Sam-. 25. 3 7. Surely the Vfe 2.