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46 AnExpofitionof the 84. Pfal'me. Verf. 6. thegodly have an heart indeed with grace, which is as an hand to layhold on Gods mercy and providence, and fo have hope even in death, whereas the wicko 'ü drivenaway inhis w:ckednefj"e, Prov. 14.32.The wicked are men with- out hope, i Theft: 4. i 3. Now hope is the anéhor ofthe foule, fore and f edfafi, Heb. 6. r 9. Secondly, about Gods worlhipand fervice they greatly differ. Godschild takes great delight in pains about Gods fervice, as here we fee, and Pfe 1. i 22. i . and in cos} alto, as i Ghron. 29.9. thepeople rejoyced at theirgreat gifts, and David rejoycedwith great joy, and 2 Sam. 24. 24. yea, though it cos} them their lives, Aar W.24. andPhil. 3, 17. But the wicked count it a wearinefle, c/Ylal. i. 13. and with the Gaderens had rather want Christ and his go- fpell, then their hogs, c...Mar, 8, 32. 34. And no marvaile, for they think it a vain thing to ferve God, Mal. 3. 14. For admonition it ferves two wayes ; Firf}, with thefe life 3. religious ?ewes to give our ferves tomeditate and think up.. on the true and Tweet comfort, which the bleilings of grace befowed in Gods holy wor(hip. will bring to our foules; for certainly herein is plcntifull fpirituall fupply to all wants, as is implyed, Liike 4. IS. whereof ifwe were refolved, we would watch at the posts ofwifedome,Prov. 8. 34. and hang upon this ordinance, as the impotent per-- Ions did at the poole of Bethefda, john S. 3, 4. The want hereofcaufethcontempt of Gods wor(iiip in forne, caà. 3. M. and formall ufage in the molt, as ?ohn 4. i I. Aíhr 35.22. Secondly, labour for that estate in grace, whereby wee vfc. 4. have Ray and comfort for our foules in times ofdiftreffe The way is to get and pra&ife true faith in thrift ; for thereby we fhall live in want, 'Phil. 4. 12, 13. inperfecuti. on, Heb. 10,3 8, yea refit the A-evill, x Pet, 5.901ndquench allhis fiery darts, Eph. 6, 16, Bot know it works bar love, Gal, 6. 5. purging the heart, A. i 5.9. andreforming the rfe, A&, z9.19. For