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Verf:6. AnExpofhion o f the 84. Pfalme. "47 Forcomfort, this praftife of the godly fhewes plainly, y fe 5e that thechild ofGod is never left of God in mifery, with- out true groundofftay and comfort. codmay hide hisface andwe may be troubled, Pfal. 3o. 7. and 69. 2, 3. but as Pf. 43. 5. wait, for Pleb. 13.5. he hath laid. Iwill never leave thee, nórforfake thee ; and confider, 2 Cor. 4. 8, 9. Weeare troubled on everyfide, yet not diflreffed : we are perplexed, butnot in def faire : perfecuted, but not farfaken: cafl downe, but not deflroyed, verfe i6. Though theoutwardmanperifb, -vet the inward is renewed daily, while wee lookpot at things that arefeen, but at things whicharenot fee's. The fecond thing to be notedhere,is thehigh efteemand 4.Obferva_ account which thegodly Jewes did make of Gods bleftings tion. ofgraceto be received in his holy worfhip ; namely, that they are to their foules as the rainof bleftings that cove- reth, that is, as a plentifull raine, which abundantly re- frefheth the dry and thinly land. This may be feen in Da- vids define and acknowledgement anfwerable to the matter in hand, Pfal. 63. 1, 2. Myfoule thirflethfor thee, my flefb longethfor thee, in a dry and thirfly land, where no water is. To fee thy power and thyglory, fi as Ihave Peen thee in thy Santluary. What benefit fhould Davidreap bythis ? ver. 5. Myfoule'hall fiefatisfaedas with marrow andfatnefje, forChrifl ingrace comes downe into mens hearts ar rainupon themowengraffe, asfhowers that water the earth, Pfal. 72. 6. In his dayes /hall the righteous flourifh, verfe a. So Hof. 6.3. Now thus they expreffe their efteem of Gods grace, Rea On i. partly, becaufe the remembrance hereof did notably ferve to cheer up their foules in their dry, fandy, and wearifome way, as is faid before. And principally, becaufe they knew out of Gods word, andby experience in themfelves, having tatted formerlyof Reafon 2. Gods good workofgrace, that Godsgraces were tomans foule, that which plentifull feafonable rain is to the dry ground ; which is evident by the-tateof the foule, as well wanting grace, as being endued therewith. In the G g want