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Expofxiomofthe :%, Pfalrte: Verc 6. want ofgrace,what is the foulebut as dry barren ground without raineorwater, per. 17. 5,.6. Flee whofeheart de- parteth from the Lordfball be like the heathin the defart,and fball not befee»Whengood cnmeth, butfball inhabit the pa -- chedplaces in the wilderneße, inafelt land, andfhall not a- bidez2fl1 °K 1 Bathe foule ftored withgraceis like a field which the Lord bathbleffedwithplentiful! raine, viz. both fruitfull in itfelf,and pleating and profitable to the owner, fee Pf.7h.6.16. When Chrifl comes doznxe likefhowers, there Jball be anhandfull ofcor:,,; ipon the top of the Mountaines, thefruit thereof(hallfha4. Libanon, andthey ofthe City fallflourifh lï%egraffe of e earth, Ezek.3ß.26.I vi11make them and theplaces roundabout my hill a bleffing,Iwill caufe the Ihower to come downe in hisfeafon,there (hall be the!hov- ers of bletng, and the tree ofthe field yeeldher fruit,and the earth fballyeeldher increafe. This ferves for inftrudion , for admonition and com- fort. ?1fe, I. }or initruaion two wayes :. Firft, fee in this refemblance the abfolute necefïity ofgraceto the welfare ofthe foule ; for fo is themoifture of rain or water to the earth, that it may be fruitfull, and fo pleafant and profitable unto man,. as wemay fee by theturfed vineyard, If. 5.6. and by the Mountainsof Gilboa,. whereon Saul and 7onathan fell, 2 Sam. i .2z, wklich is a rnoa materiali point forevery mans heart to be refolvedof. Vfe 2, Secondly, this refemblance loth plainly and fweetly il- luftrate this materiall and weighty point in Chriftian Re- ligion, viz. that faving grace to the foule is a fupernaturall gift ofGod, neither is it in the power of man ofhimfelf to get faving grace ; fee ?ohn 3.27. eftman can receive no- thing except it begiven him from heaven, asbefore, verte 3. Except a man be b9rnfrom abovehe cannotfee theKingdome ofClod, withvert 7.8. Can theearth be fruitfull Without moyflure ? and ca-a it of itfelf caufe the clouds to drop downe raine uponit ? No fuch thing. Vfe 3, for admonition, it ferves notably to moveevery oiler°