Vern 6. i41 ,Expeltionofthe84. *Ism, al a, fethis heart to think ferioufly on this refemblance, as Zeta, 32.46. with reference toverfe 2. that foweemay labour to bring them to be affected to Gods faving graces, as dry ground is toward rain and moffture, which we fee doth chop and gape after roy,í<ure, and fo in its kind cryto the clouds for ihowers. This was in `David, Pf143.6. with 63.1. But alas this thirit is rare to be found. Worldly thirfts there are inma. ny, the drunkards thirft,Deut.29.19.theworldlings thirft, H. 2.5. the Epicures thirft, whofe belly is his God, Phil. 3. 19. the ambitious mans thirf, `Diotrephes, 3 john 9.and the malicious mans thirft, the blood-thirfty, Pfal. 5. 6. That after thefe things doth keep away this thirft after grace, without which we fhall never efcapeDives thirft in hell, Luke 16. 24. Ifwe have a godly thirft, it will appear by diligence infrequenting the place and means of grace, Prov. 8. 34. bruit beafts for want of water will break thorow hedges, and grace-thirty foules will make their wayes thorow all incumberances tocome where they may have fàtisfadion ; fecondly, we will delight herein, as Da- vid.did, Pfal. 4.7. thirdly, wewill receive fatisfadion., rand thew it. For comfort,it ferves toencourage them that find them- Vfe 4, felves fo affeded to theblefl!ngs ofgrace as the ?ewes did here, viz. to eáteem them as the rainofbleffings, they may affure themfelves that they likewife fhall find the like fruit andeffet ofthem, to be covered, that is, to beabundantly refrefhedby them. s . Obfer- The third point to benotedhere is implyed, viz. the place and meanes wherein they allure themfelves of thefe vation. bleflings, namely, in theholy wórfhipof God, which he ordained in hisTabernacle,which made Davidto long and to thirft after them, verfe 2. fee If.2. 3. Let us gee up to the Mountainofthe Lord, to the houfeofthe Godof Jacob, Pfal. 65.4; Blef fed is the manwhom thus choofe ff, &c. The reafonhereof is Gods facred ordinance, who hath Reafo;. hereaiiiured the blefling aid life, for i Kings 9.3. his eyes G 2 and 49