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50 RnExpoftionof the 84. Pfalme. Verf. 6. andhis heart are there perpetually, and fo as elfewhere it is not to be had, Zech. i 3. 17, t 8. Now the gofpell prea- ched is to us Gods tabernacle, Rev. 2I. 3. as A[is 15. t6. This ferveth for inftruction, and that twowayes Firft, fee one main caufe of the want ofgrace in mens foules, they do not love Gods houle, nor wait upon him in his ordinances, but count them a wearineflè. tidal. i , i 3, with 3. 14. and rob. 21. I4. as ?ohn c .40. Ye Will not come unto me, thatyemight have life, fo A s i 3. 46. Secondly, fee here the honour ofGods houfe, and now ofhis holyworíhip above other ordinances, as Micah. 4.1, a.» Here is the well oflife, and tree oflife, Rev. 22. 1, 2. all hisfirings are here, Pfal. 87, 7. Yerfe 7. They ç-oefromftrength to firength .:.every one of them in Sion appeareth before god. THe third thingwhereby the Prophet doth declare the fincere affehion ofthegodly towardsGodsholywor- fhip is their alacrity and courage, which they like valiant fouldiers in marching array towards the enemies do maxi- fell in theway toSion : For thebetter conceivingwhereof we mutt know, that the word L1vfl, here tranflated arength, dothproperly fignifievigour, courage , alacrity, power, or fpirit, as Exod. 18. st. rethroes Magiftrates muabe:L-1,fl IV=M menofcourage, and awoman corn- pleat and furniíhed forall good parts of a wife is "?'r rort mulierflrenua, a vertuous woman, a woman of all goodparts for her place, Ruth. 3. 11. Prov. 31. io. and therefore alto thepeople ofGodby thisword exprefi their valour, as P.P. 6e. 12. ThroughGodwe_Thall do valiantly, Pfal. '08. i 3. And ;^11Úÿ1j Ruth. 4.11. doe thor Worthily, q)cut. 3.i 8. Me/es calleth men ofproweffeand valour, Ln X11 a)2 fonnes ofprowefièor power. And hence it is taken to fignifiean army wherein power is both requi- red and fhewed, Exact. 14,:4. and it lignifies riches and wealth, becaufe that makes men potent lathe world as faL Vfe. I . Vfe 2.