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Verf7. ` .r4n Expofitionofthe 84. Pfalme. mfal. 49.7. it. Prov. to. 15. aid 18. xi. and in all the bookof : forcompare Tab 21.7. with 2 King. I s. 200 and it will be plain. Now in this place I take it in the firlt and properfenfe, for the alacritie vigour and prowefle which amanoffpirit will (hew in that thingwhich he defires to effeft. So the godly Jewes defiring to come to Sion the place of Gods worfhip, go from Strength toStrength, that is, they donot faint or leave off through wearinef e, or length of the way, butever and anon renew theircourage , and cheer upthem-- felves, and fogo from firength toStrength. And the latter part of the verfe íhewes what it is which puts life and cou- rage into them , namely, theirfpirituall fight or vifionof God in Sion, when there they appear before the arkofthe covenant, the pledgeofhis prefence, according tohis ordi- nance, Deut. t6. 16. as was faid from Abrahams time, In theMount will the Lordbefeen, Gen.22. I 4. To come then to the first part of this verfe, therein this t: Obferva- is plain. tion. The gi6dIvjiewes.in Davids time, went cheerfully and couragiotrrty{tio the place of Gods worfhip , and did en- creafe inStrength andcourage, notwithftanding the wea- rineffe and length of the way, and fo went fronrltrength to Strength. 'Pfal. 42.4. I hadgone with themultitude, I went With them to the houfe ofGod , with the voiceofjoy and praife, with a multitude that kept holyday. Pfal. 122. i..I rejoyced in them thatfaidunto me, Let us . go into: the houfe ofthe Lord. Look how couragious fouldiers will Stirreup themfelves,and heartenone another unto fight, fo did the godly Jewes Stirre up and cheer up themfelves in,theway to Godsworfhip : ; The reafon was theirdefire through grace toenjoy fpi. Reafon. rituali focietie withGod , which was afí°üred unto them in the holyworfhip oftheTabernacle andTemple,as i Kings 9.3..Ihave chofen thisplace:,: here will I tMell: mine ryes: andminektrtjhallbe their. continually.. HencçPfaí. 74.: One thinghaveddefiredo&c. This is the wooing place be- G g 3 tween