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vfe i. Vfe z. AnExpoßtionofthe 84. P falme,, Vert', 7 tween Chrift and his Church; and hence is his direction prefcribed toher,enq:ùr i, where hedid feed, and makehis flock to red ? and her affectiondeclared, toward thisplace. Caw. 3. ,It was but a littlethat I pa(lëd from them , but I found himwhommy foul loveth : I held hipn andwould not let himgo , untill I had brought him intomy mothers houfe , and into the chamber of her that conceived me. And the nearer theycome toGod,the mor lively they are: fromfaith tofaith, Rom. z: 17. with i 3. This ferves'for inftru&ion., reproof, admonition , and comfort. For initruhion, it letsus fee : Firft, that there is afpirit of life in the faithfull under the Gofpel , to make them forward andcouragious, in their holy profellion , and to cheer up thccnífelves unto Godsholy worthip. We have herein fomemore encouragements then they had underthe law , from the miniieryofthe fpirit underwhich we live. See z tor. 3. from 13, to 18. Though the fame God, and thefame Mediatour efus Chris , to day, yeferday, and the famefor ever, Hebr.i 3.8, See z Cor.4. i 3, Apr iii t Cor. 9, 24, 25, z6. z Tim. 4. 7, 8. So that a Chriftiarn may fay asPaul dothAt?s 21. 3. what doyeweeping, &c. Secondly, the vigour and strength of the godly encrea- feth more and more intheir wayofGodsworfhip , and in thecourfe ofa godly life. Prov. 4.18. Thepathofthejult is as aJhining light, thatfhineth more andmore unto the per- feet day. Pfal. 92. 13, 14. Such as beplanted in thehoufe of the Lord/ball flourifh in the Courts ofour God, çrc. Rev. 2. 19. The laft works ofThyatira aremore then thefirft: adde .Ephef.4. t I,I 2,13, 14,i 5. Secondly, this is a juft reproofofthofe that fay theyare Chriftians, andyet have no fpirit, no courage,no life for re- ligion, and for Gods holy worfhip , but are deadand cold, every little thingdóth daunt and hinder them, they have no courage for the truth, nor. for Gods glory. Is theLords hand shortened ? Is Laodicean luke-warmneffea matterof nodanger ? Rev. 3.16. certainly, theywant the fpirit of grace,