Verf. 7. An , Expofition of the84. Pf4me. grace , for it's as fire that will break out , ?er. 20. 9. like new wine that will vent, yob 32 18. SeeProv. 6.27. Thirdly, it mutt admonifhus to Chew lifeandcourage in vfe4. holy worfhïp, and in a godly life. They did it going to Edna2.zz. Mount Sion,we to theheavenly Jerufalem. Confiderwhat wreftlers do, i Cor.9.25,26. ,u. How that/ we get it ? Anftw. It is a fruit of the fpirit , as 2 Tim. i . 7. in thofe that are redeemed, Tit. z. i4. Rev. 3. i 9. Fourthly, a comfort to thechildren of God, againft the Vfe 5. reproachof the world , which will reproach and brand themwith odious names, hot fpirited , andmad , as they did our Saviour , cmark 3. 21. andFeff s, .Fria/, Aels 26.24. The GodofGods /hallbefeen inSion.] This is the thing that puts lifeand vigour into Gods fervants , when their way to Gods worthip is long andpainful! unto them, God that/ be feen in Sion, theplace appointedby himfelffor his holy worfhip : or , as our tranfiation hathit , Every one ofthem in Zionappeareth before God : both one in fubftance, . for whenGod is feen in Sion , they that feehim appearbe- fore him. The reafonof thedifferent mannerof tranfla- tion,is thedivers acception of theword "Ix, whichCome- } time is a præpofition fignifying ad, to , unto : otherwhile it ef is a noun, fignifyingftrong, and fo noteth themighty God theordinary. difference is, NDeus , is written with a long é,but ",Kad, a præpofition , with a fhort e : and fo moft Hebrew Books with pricks have it here, which moved ournew tranflatours to take it for a præpofition whereinmany other godly and learned do joynwith them. Whichyet others as learned flick not at, . becaufe they fay that vowel is there fhort becaufe ofMaccaph, which jjyn- eth two words together,. and ufüally Both abreviate the precedent vowel. And fo the moft ancient GreekandLa- tine tranflations take it , and divers learnedmodern Wri SePt and ters, asPagnin, Calvin, Mailers?'" , and our old. Church-Bi- Vu1g bles. But fith in fenfe and fubftance bothcome toone ; _ I will herein.follow the ancients,., and fo rote. inthe words two 13