54 AnExpofition ofthe 84. Pfalme. Verf. 7. two things ; first, that the true God is the Godof Gods; fecondly, that this true God (hall be Peen in Sion,the place :where theTemple wasbuilt. 2 Obferild-= ` Forthe .fiat. The true God is the GodofCods, Jof,22.22. tien. -TheGod ofgoda.theLord, Pfal.S o. t . and 136, 2. Themigh- ®,14K ttK ty God, Dan.II.36. The Lordof lords , andKing ofkings, t, Rev. X7.14. and 19. i 6. t Tim. 6.15. p't7N11 The reafon of this title , is his divine foveraignety Reafon. over all thofe that do partake withhim inhis name, as An gels, and Magiftrates': Angels, Pfal. 97.7. with Heb.i.6. andPfai, 8.6. withHebr. 2.7. and Magistrates, Pf.82.1. Exod. 22. $; 9, 28. ?oh. i o.34,3 5. And falfe Gods though unlawfully, for they are vanities , p >L?>`?K. NowGods foveraignty over them is plain : for Angels, Hebr. T. 7. with yob 1.6. and for Magiftrates, i Tim. 6. I 5. and for idols, Exact. i 2.12. Dalton fais downbefore the Ark, hath hishead and hands cut off,1 Sam.5.3,4 This ferves for inftruc9 ion, admonition, and comfort. For instruction, fee the bleffedeftate ofthofe that have theGod ofGods for their God , as Pfal. 3 3. 12. Blefr'ed is the nation whole God is the Lord? and Pfa1,144. 1 5 . For he bathpower over Angels, and Kings, a,rdDivels. For admonition. First, to choofe the God of Gods for our God : herein followingRahab, ?ofh. 2. 9, i i. and ?o- Auah, chap. 24. 15. and N aman, 2 Kings 5.15,1 7. Now our way is through Christ , ?ohn 14, 6. Mat. 11. 27. Secondly, to fanctifie him in our hearts, and let him be our fear and dread , lfaiah 8. t 3. Remember the Angels before his glorious Majestie, cover their faces with their wings, Ifaiah 6. z. For comfort to thole. that Stand rightly in covenant with God , they neednot be difmaid for any terrour , as t Pet. 3, 6. as Pfa1.23. t, 4. and 'Pfal. 3.6.8. and Pfal.116.7,8. and Pfal. 118. 6. as Dan. 3. 16, 17. and hereon asRom.8. g F . what (hall we fayto thefe things? IfGod befor is who can beagainft us ? a Obferva- The fecond thing tobe noted here is, That in Sion, he ly tien, LJfe 2. Vfe 3. Vfe 4.