Verf.7. ;A'rs Expofitionofthe 84. Pfalme: holyhill, the feat ofhis Sant4uary, will God bePeen. This was fo well known , that from Abrahams namingof it 7ehovahjireh, when therehe íhouldhave facrificed his fon, it became a Proverb and common laying, In the Mount will theLordbefeene; and fo (tufculus acknowledgeth, that all the late writers do tranflate it, though hehimfelfdonot very well like ofit, Paying, that if he dura hewould thinke that thofewho put pricks to-the Bible inHebrew,didwith- out need change theverbe aElive mill will fee,. into the pa/fivers-I) will be feen. But (Mercerus a moll learned and judicious man for the Hebrew text,judgeth it wasdone by divine providence, that pofleritymight know that there God would place his Sanctuary, and therein appeare unto his people, and there alfohave Chrift the Lord to be feen ; and the 72. do tranflate it by the verb pafflve ¿On. And for proofe,fee Pfal. 87.2. The Lord loveth thegates ofSi- on, more then all the dwellings of 7acob. Its the Mountain ofhis holineíle, beautifull for fcituation,the joyofthe whole earth is Mount Sion, where God isknown, 'Pfal. 48. t;2, 3. andPfd. 5o. 2. Out of Sion theperfeetion of beauty hath God fhined. When Solomon had built hisTemple here according to Gods direction, then God faid, Ihavechofex thisplace, hereWill Idwell, &c. i Kings 9. 3. ,weft. How was God Peen in Sion ? flnfin. Not inel- fence; for fonoman hath feen God at any time, yohn i.i 8. But fira, in his facredordinances, which werepledges ofhis prefence, as the ark of the covenant, Numb.1o. 3 5. 2 Chr. 6.41. Pfill. 13 2.9. Arife,O Lordgod, into thy reftingplace, &c. all() thecloud fometimefilling the houfe,Exod,4o.34. 2 Chron. 7.2. I Kings 8. lc, i I . and the fire confuming the facrifices, Lev. 9.24. I Kings 18. 36, 38, 39. Secondly, andchiefly in his fonne incarnate, as Mal. 3. i. withLuke 2. 26,37,28. For inChrift the father fhewes himfelf, as ?ohn 14. 9, 1o. This God was pleafed todo ; Firff, for the honour and Reafos i. advancement ofhis people Ifrael, as Deut. 3.7. what na- tion is fogreat, that bathGod fonigh unto them ? H h Second- 55