56 An Expofttion o, f the 84. PJ lme. Ver%7 Secondly, tobeautifie his San6Iuary, as Hag. 2.7..17í1l fill this huufe with glory. Hence it is called high, i .Dings 9.8. Reafon 3 a Thirdly, and chiefly, toStirre up hispeople to delre and delight to come tohis fan1uary, as P 42. I, 2. weft, What is thisto us ? 'this place belonged to the 7ewes. Anf. See If' z.z. mic. 4.1. It was a typeof theChurch ofChrist, as Heh. 12. zz. which is therefore called the ho- ly City, new Hierufalem, Rev. 21. 3. i o. and thereof its true, (II/fat. 28. 19, 2o. with 18. 20. This ferves for inftru&ion, reprehenfion, admonition, and comfort. i e. I . For inftru&ion, it lets us fee that though difference of place in refpee4 of holineffeofthe places, be taken away in thenew testament, as john 4 2 I . 23. yet in refpeft ofGods facred ordinances there ufed, forceplaces have anhonour a- bove others, at leaft for the timewhen thofe ordinances are inhand, as Mat. 18. zo. And fo M. Calvin acknowled- geth, that there is a beauty belonging to temples and Chur- ches in thenewTefament, which fhould draw the affetti- ons of the faithful' unto them. t'fe 2, Secondly, a juft reproofeof wilful! Recufants, and pro- phane Proteftants,thar care not for theplace ofGods wor- íhip; they are far fromDavids mind, Pfal. 26.8. with Pfal. 42.1,z.and Pfal.1 2z.1. and verfe 1,2.of this Pfalme, nay they are as thofe, ?ob z i .14. that fay unto God,depart from its. Thirdly, this fhouldRirreup all, that have care of the Vfe 3° true welfareof their foules, to love Gods houfe, and Gods worfhip, the houle for the worfhip, as `David did : Con- fider his comfort in death, Pfal. 31.5. whichwill be con- trary to the wicked, as 01/Tat. 25. 41. yfe 3. Fourthly, for comfort to the godly ; their love to Gods houfe for grace is an entrance to his houfe ofglory,as z Pet. 1,9,10. werfe.