Ver% 8. 4nExpofitionofthe84. Pjaame. 57 Vede 8. 0 LordGod ofhofis, 'geemy prayer, give eare, 0GodofJacob. Selah. Ere he returnes topraye for audience to his requeft for free and fafe fruitionof the place of Gods wor- fhip ; in which he fhewes the more earneftneffe by doubling his requests, and enforcing them by feverall titles given to God to whom he prayes, which may ftrengthen his heart in his afiurance to obtain his requefis. The firft title is, O Lord Godofhafts, which he hathgi- ven to God twice before in this Pfalme, viz. verfe i. 3.yet here it is repeated with more emphafis by addition of the t. O¡, ferva title God : which ihewes that the godly in prayer donot tion. faint but ancreafe in zeal and fervency, till theyobtain their requelts, as Dan. 9. 19. Reafon For they are enabled to this duty by the fpirir, which helpeth their infirmities , being neither weary nor faint, Rom. 8. 26. Alfo they know that God liketh importunity, Luke 18. Reafon 2. I. 6.7. and fervency, 7arnes 5. i6. Which fhould be a prefident and encouragement to us Zltc. in prayer, to (hew fervency and conftancy therein. For the first defcription ofGod by thefe titles, OLordof hotes, it hath been handled in the fiat verse, with the ap- plication thereof : Thepoint is this, The trueGod is the Lord Godof hogs, 2. Obferva- &c. tion. The matter hehere prayes for is audience, heare mypray- 3. Obfer- er,give Bare : thedoubling hath its emphafis, and fhewes vation. his fervency and carnefinefiè for audience : Mark then, The holy Prophet prayeth earneftly tohave his prayers heard, fee Pfa/. ç. t,2. and Pfal.13. z,2. This he doth, becaufe tohis feeming God did too long Reafon. delay to fatisfie his defire ; forDavid longed and fainted like a womanwith child, verse 2. whole cafe will hardly admit delay. H h 2 This