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AnExpofitionof the 84. Pfalme. Verf. 8. This ferves for inflruaion,and admonition. For infiruftion fee this, that fometime God ufeth Iong delayes in anfwering the prayers ofhis children, fee Pfal. 22.2. Pfal. 77. 7, 8,9. Pfal.80. 4. v raa. How can this be, feeing he faith, Askeand yee Pall have? c) Wat. 7.7. Anfw Firft, the finnes of Gods children may hinder this blefiing , as Pfal. 66. 18. ohn 9. 3 t . If, s 9. 2. as 2 Sam. 12. 16, &c. Secondly, Godmay delay to anfwer for a time tokin- dle zeale in hischildren, ascillat. 15. 22,23, to 28. as our Saviour dealt with the father of the child that was poffcf- fed with a dumbe and deaf fpirit, c2íarke 9. 18, 22, &c. Thirdly, to expre{fe their patience under the croffe, as Cor.I2. 19. Fourthly,to teach them to reft contentedwith fcuh fupply asGodmmiftreth,for he heareth and anfwereth not alwaies in that particular men begge, but fometime in that which is more for Gods glory, and as good for his children, as Heb. dre 20 For admonition, every child ofGod mini marke Gods dealingherein with his deareft fervants, that by Gods de- layes theyneither be difmayed in this duty, nor doubt of Gods favour ; for this was David, cafe, and Chrifts : we #houldwifely confider the reafons of Gods delay, and make ufe thereof. The latter titlehe gives to God is,O Godof7acob,which he propounds uponhis fecond and more earnest requeft for audience. 4. Ob fervet_ Mark then, that whenDavidwould fainhave audience *ion. with God in prayer, he calls him the God ofJ acob. its The reafon of this titlehere is ; Firft, in regard ofthe co- venant which God madewith 7acob and his pofterity, who areoften filled by the name of ?acob, as Pfal. 59.13. God ruleth in facob ; and If 43.. i. Bat now faith the Lord that createdthee, 0 ?acob,, and he that formed thee, O Ifrael; and 44..1. Hear now,0 Jacob myfervant, andIfrael whom ...._...¡.,.-, ....