Verf.8. doExpojtionofthe 84. Pfalme. Ihave chofe; Iam the Lordthy °God theholy oneof Ifs-ael, If. 43. 3 . Fearenot,O Jacobmyfervant, andthou Jefurun Whom Ihave chúfen, If. 44. 2. Now this is a great ground ofaffurance ofaudience, that the God to whom he prayed, was his God bycovenant ; for God faithof this people, o yacob and Ifrael, thouart myfervant, I have formed thee, thoushalt not beforgotten ofme, If. 44. 21. Secondly, and more efpecially, in regard of the fpeciall Reafon 2. favour that God fhewed to yacob when hee changed his name to Ifrael, in fufferinghimfelf tobe overcome by ya- cob whenhe wreftledwithhim, Gen. 32. 24, 26, 28. as a Prince, faith he, haft thou power. Hofea faith,chap. 12.3. By hisftrength he hadpower with God, verfe 4. yea, he had power over the Angell ( that is, Chrift the Angeli of the covenant) he wept and made fupplicationunto him ; mark themeans ofhis prevailing,prayers and tears. Now `David remembers this, and calls him the God ofYacob, to encou- ragehimfelf in prayer, and toget aflurance of prevailing : For the God of yacob is hee that fuffers himfelfe to be pre- vailed with in prayer , and he is without íhadow of tur- ning, Iam.1.17. to day, yefterday, and the fame forever, Heb. a3. 8. This ferves for inftruc4ion, admonition, andcomfort. For inftruftion,.fee here a gracious prac4ife ofGods fer- Vfe I. vants, both to mark and mention in their prayers , fuch dealingof God with their fore-fathers , as may encourage them in this duty, and ,ftrengthen their faith in affurance to prevail. It 's here plain inDavid, whenhecalls God the God ofJacob but more plain inElifba, 2 Kings 2. 14. when comingback to the waters ofJordan, with the man- tle that fell from Elijah , wherewithElijahhad a little be- fore madea way through the river on dry ground, verfe 8. he doth.the like thing that Elijahdid , ùfing thefe words, where is the God ofElijah : as ifheshould havefaid,.fare he cando to me as he did to him. This thing moved the Church of Godoften to mention Gods gracious dealing with theirforefathers, as Pfa1.44. I,. 2, 3, 4. Pfal, H h. 3 73,