Verf 9. An Expofition of the 84. rfalme. 61 be his, namely, a lure defenceand faveguard from all hurt- full affaults of their enemies. Mark then in this title, that i. Obferva- God is a fhield for hischildren , that is, their lure and fafe tion. protef1our and defender from the hurts of all their ene- mies, Pfal. 3. 3. Thou Lordart a fbieldfor me, Pfal. 18. 2. The Lord my rock,, and my fortrefe , my deliverer , my God, my flrength, in whom I will truf : my buckler , and thehorn of my falvation. Pfal. 3 3. 2o. He is out help and our fhield , Pfal. 59. i r . Bring them down , O Lord our fhield : and as it followeth in this Pialm , vere I t . The LordGod is a Sunne andfbield. The reafonhereof, is his own free grace and favour in Reafon. Chrift to thofe that be truly in Covenant withhim , as Gen. i 5. 1. This ferves for inftruaion, admonition, and comfort. For inftruFtion twowayes : Firfl , to let us plainly fee Vfe i. the great happineflè of thegodly, that 'though they have many and mightyenemies, both corporal! and fpirituall,yet their God is an all-fufficient fafe buckler, and fhield of de- fence againft them all, fee Dent. 33.29. Happy art thou O Ifrael, who is like unto thee ? O peoplefaved by theLord, the fhieldof thy helpe, Pfal 144. 15. Happyare the people that befo, yea happy it thatpeople Whofe God is theLord. Secondly, this fhewes how Magiftrates fhould Phew them- vf 2. ferves toward the godly, when anywrong is offered unto them, namely as the Lord himfelf is, whole name they beare, Tfal. 82.6. fo they fhouldbecome fhields, that is, fore protectors and defendersof the godly, fo 7ob was,Iob 2.9. i 1. when the eara heardme it blefedme, andWhen the eyefar, me, it gave Bare tome, 12. Becaufe I delivered the poore that cryed, and thefatherlefe, andhim that hadnone to helpehim, i 3 . Thebiding upon him that was ready toperifh cameupon me, and I caufed the widdowes heart to fing for joy, 14, 1 5,16,17,&c. Magiftrates are called fhields, 'Pf. 47.9. Hof. 4.18. and therefore fhould become protectors of the good, unlefl'e they will have their ownenames to rife up in judgment againft them. For